From Bookforum's Omnivore, here is an interesting collection of links on human beings, our history, and our long-time neighbors, the neanderthals.
- From Edge, Daniel Lieberman on how taking an evolutionary approach to the body gives us insights about how to better use our bodies.
- Elizabeth Preston on the hazards of being an athletic ape.
- Saber-Toothed cats, snakes, and carnivorous kangaroos — what are you so scared of? Rob Dunn on the evolutionary legacy of having been prey.
- Robert Krulwich on how human beings almost vanished from Earth in 70,000 B.C.
- Erin Wyman on how to retrace early human migrations.
- Sirio Canis Donnay reviews The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery and Empire by Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus.
- Who would win in a fight, a modern human or a Neanderthal?
- When did humans and Neandertals stop having sex?
- The Neanderthal in my family tree: New genetic evidence shows our ancestors interbred with now-extinct species.
- Are humans monogamous or polygamous? Archaeologists, anthropologists, and biologists agree — it’s complicated.
- Modern humans found to be fittest ever at survival, by far: Humans have done more to extend our life expectancy
in the last century than during the previous 6.6 million years, since
the evolutionary divergence from chimpanzees.
- State of the species: Does
success spell doom for Homo sapiens?
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