~ Will at thinkBuddha.org takes a look at Holy Books after seeing Richard Dawkins lecture on his new book. This is an interesting post with some good Buddhist history.
~ ~C4Chaos has discovered the source of the Big Mind process in the work of Hal and Sidra Stone. While Genpo Roshi turned the voice dialogue technique into a states exercise, the original process is one of the most potent forms of shadow work I've ever encountered. I've written about it numerous times in this blog.
~ Links for 2006-10-12 [del.icio.us] from P2P Foundation.
~ Timbomb of He’s Just Had Coffee has a follow-up post ( More on recovery ) to his earlier On reintegrating earlier stages… This is good stuff.
~ Ken Wilber is doing a book signing and reading at Boulder Book Store -- for a mere $28 you get to see His Baldness and a copy of the book ($22.95 cover price). Hmmm, in all the years I hosted book signings in book stores, we never charged admission.
So, in other news:
~ Mark Warner doesn't want to be president, which leaves the Dems a bit skewed to the left in 2008 -- Slate has a look at the situation (gotta click through the ad).
~ Oprah and Bono have teamed up to help fight AIDS in Africa -- by introducing a clothing line and a new, special edition iPod.
~ PBS's NOW features An American woman's startling tale of life in Iraq -- the story of Filmmaker Laura Poitras and her struggle to make her movie, which got her labeled with the highest possible threat rating from the Department of Homeland Security.
~ In health news:
* Mindless Eating Makes You Choose the Wrong Foods All the Time.
* Gyms are getting creative in what they offer to get you in the door.
* Some creative ideas for a "cheat" workout when you need a break from structured programs. (Crude language warning.)
~ In Earth news:
* Grist offers The history of tree-hugging, and the future of name-calling.
* Check out Breathing Earth, a real-time look at CO2 use around the world. Just move your mouse over the country to see its stats at the bottom of the screen.
* National Geographic looks at Earth's "Wobbles" Spurring Cycles of Evolution and Extinction?
And that's all she wrote.
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