Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yesterday I posted two items that seem to have offended a bunch of people and prompted at least one (maybe more) regular readers to abandon this site. As my intention for this site has always been a conversation, it is nothing without its readers.

So I want to apologize to those who were offended. I tried something new for me, and it failed. In hindsight both items appear to have been mistakes in my judgment. It's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last.

Part of me wants to try to explain the intent of the posts, but there is also the realization that, like a joke, if it has to be explained then it failed. So there will not be any long series of shadow-work posts in justification of my mistake.

I screwed up, and I am sorry.


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Unknown said...

Your apology is rejected because you didn't screw up. So take your damn apology ::Tom wads up the cluster of electrons that comprise Bill's apology post:: and throw it away.

You were right in the first place, Bill. Humor and satire are often healthy. And your recent posts, that a couple of your feather-ruffled readers chided you for, aren't abhorant, they are glistening sparks of sunshine! illuminating rays of ribald wisdom!

Now, Bill, don't let these snitches for Political Correctness get you down or make you pull your head back down under the tortoise shell. You are a star, Bill. An emancipator!

So, put away that glummy Bill, that woebegone Bill, that sadsack Bill. You did nothing wrong! You did everything right -- except for the speeding thing.

Whistle a happy tune, now, Bill-o! Joy. Happiness. The sun. See it up there? It's ashinin'! O happy day!!

Anonymous said...

I'm bummed you feel the need to apologize. I read your blog every day because I like to see your perspectives. I thought the post was funny and on point. I'd hate to see you filter yourself because you rub up against a few people's shadows, or their inability to grasp satire. Your blog is an expression of *you*, right?

That's what we come here for, so please keep it real!


Anonymous said...

I second both comments. There was no screw-up and no apology needed. Delicate sensibility abound and you don't have to try and satisfy them. I'm offended by your sensitivity to offense. I demand an apology. ;)

Unknown said...

Hurrah! I'm with arron and ebuddha, and aeryck just told me he wants in on it, too. We DEMAND an apology for your apology, otherwise we will quit reading your blog.

william harryman said...

Thanks guys, I appreciate the support. For what's it worth, I think both sides are correct but partial.

Colmar is right to a degree that makes me uncomfortable with having posted those things without more comment or commentary.

And of course satire has a central place in helping us get past blind/shadow spots in our psyches. Humor is important.

The synthesis would seem to be to attempt more discernment when posting satire and other forms of humor. I've done it successfully in the past.

Still, this episode has pointed out to me that things are not all quite kosher in my brain. I'm in a bit of liminal space right now, neither here nor there (where ever there is) and it feels very ungrounded.

I'll be unleashing an attempt at exploring this space later today or tomorrow.

Again, thanks guys for the support & thanks to Colmar, too, for causing me to examine things.
