Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ann Coulter

Dreamflesh has a nice piece on Ann Coulter that I missed in the speedlinks this morning. It's funny, but be warned if you watch the Henry Rollins piece that its satire contains profanity -- but I'd expect nothing less from Rollins.

In the video with Paxman of the BBC, Coulter claims several times to believe everything she writes, and she does so in such a way that I can no longer entertain the idea advanced by some that she is a post-modern prankster. And her rejection of Darwinian evolution is silly.


Unknown said...

Coulter believes everything she writes is funny and makes money. She is pure prankster.

Anonymous said...

Totally, Tom. Her protestations to the contrayr notwithstanding. There's a "nod and a wink" element to everything the woman says; it's all in the subtext.

What really clinches it for me is her testament that she's a Christian. No. Way. In. Hell. If that woman's a right-wing Bible-thumper, I'll eat her high-heel patent leather boots.