There is a new issue (Volume 14) of Journal of Cosmology: Astronomy - Astrobiology - Earth Sciences - Life up on the site. Try to ignore that the main page looks like some lame New Age site - some of the articles are actually quite good (and some are not). They seems to tend toward an embrace of the anthropic perspective, which I do not, so I have issues with much of the cosmological content, but that is the theme of this issue. Not all of the articles have links - they are listed as "in press," so hopefully they will appear soonish.
Consciousness and the Universe Is consciousness an epiphenomenal happenstance of this particular universe? Or does the very concept of a universe depend upon its presence? Does consciousness merely perceive reality, or does reality depend upon it? Did consciousness simply emerge as an effect of evolution? Or was it, in some sense, always "out there" in the world? These questions and more, will be answered in this special edition.
April-May, 2011
Table of Contents - Volume 14
Edited by Sir Roger Penrose, FRS, University of OxfordStuart Hameroff M.D., University of Arizona
I. Cosmology of ConsciousnessConsciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry & Orch OR Theory Sir Roger Penrose, and S. Hameroff, M.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
II. Brain and MindThe Neuroanatomy of Free Will: Loss of Will, Against the Will, "Alien Hand" Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4441-4460.
The Dissipative Brain and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Walter J. Freeman, Ph.D., and Giuseppe Vitiello, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4461-4468.
Conscious States Are a Crosstalk Mechanism for Only a Subset of Brain Processes Ezequiel Morsella, Ph.D., and Tiffany Jantz,, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4469-4471.
Brain, Consciousness, and Causality Andrea Nani, Andrea E. Cavanna, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4472-4483.
Quantum Mind from a Classical Field Theory of the Brain P. Zizzi, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In Press.
The Split Brain: Two Brains - Two Minds. Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In Press.
III. What is Consciousness
Does 'Consciousness' Exist? William James, Ph.D, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4484-4495.
The Stream of Consciousness William James, Ph.D, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4496-4508.
What Does Consciousness Do? Howard Shevrin, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In Press.
A Mindful Alternative to the Mind/Body Problem Ellen Langer, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness: Solvable and Unsolvable Problems Prof. Dr. Etienne Vermeersch, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4509-4515.
Decoding the Chalmers Hard Problem of Consciousness: Qualia of the Molecular Biology of Creativity and Thought Ernest Lawrence Rossi & Kathryn Lane Rossi, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Protophenomena and their Physical Correlates Bruce J. MacLennan, Ph.D, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4516-4525.
The Spread Mind: Seven Steps to Situated Consciousness Riccardo Manzotti, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4526-4535.
What Consciousness Does: A Quantum Cosmology of Mind Chris J. S. Clarke, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4536-4541.
IV. Consciousness and Thought
The Stream of Thought William James, Ph.D, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4542-4576.
Origins of Thought: Consciousness, Language, Egocentric Speech and the Multiplicity of Mind Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4577- 4600.
V. The Neuroanatomy of the UnconsciousFreud & Jung Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Limbic System & the Unconscious Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
VI. Remote ConsciousnessNon-Locality, Cognition, and Cosmic Structures Paul Bernstein, Ph.D., Rudolph Schild, Ph.D., Metod Saniga, RNDr, Petr Pracna RNDr, Luboš Neslušan RNDr, & Kala Perkins, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4601-4615.
Detecting Mass Consciousness: Effects of Globally Shared Attention and Emotion Roger Nelson, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4616-4632.
VII. Self-Consciousness - Dissociated, Shared, Near Death ConsciousnessThe Consciousness of Self William James, Ph.D, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4633-4683.
Cosmological Implications of Near-Death Experiences Bruce Greyson, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4684-4696.
Consciousness -- What Is It? Shared Consciousness, Twin Consciousness, Near Death L. Dossey, B. Greyson, P.A. Sturrock, and J. B. Tucker, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4697-4711.
Consciousness, Dissociation and Self-Consciousness Ellert R.S. Nijenhuis, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4712-4727
Science and the Self-Referentiality of Consciousness Michel Bitbol, Ph.D., and Pier-Luigi Luisi, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4728-4742.
Near Death Experiences and the 5th Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Perspective Jean-Pierre Jourdan, M.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4743-4762.
VIII. Dreams, Hallucinations & Altered States of ConsciousnessThe Dream of Dreaming Chuang Tzu, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Psychoanalysis of Dreams Sigmund Freud, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Dreams, Hallucinations & Forgotten Dreams Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
In the Borderlands of Consciousness and Dreams: Spirituality Rising from Consciousness in Crisis Kevin R. Nelson, MD, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4763-4780.
Altered Consciousness Is A Many Splendored Thing Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4781-4791.
Dreams and Hallucinations: Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4800-4830.
IX. Origins & Evolution of ConsciousnessCosmological Foundations of Consciousness Chris King, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 13. 3706-3725.
Consciousness: A Direct Link to Life's Origins? A. N. Mitra and G. Mitra-Delmotte, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4792-4799.
Evolution of Modern Human Consciousness Ian Tattersall, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4831-4838.
Consciousness: The Evolution of Brain and Mind Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Evolution's Gift: Subjectivity and the Phenomenal World Arnold Trehub, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4839-4847.
Intention and Attention in Consciousness Dynamics and Evolution Hans Liljenström, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4848-4858.
The Ecological Cosmology of Consciousness Tom Lombardo, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4859-4868.
X. Paleolithic Consciousness: Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon, Spirituality, SexualityEvolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4400-4440.
Do Other Species Experience Spirituality? Kevin R. Nelson, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14.
Prehistoric Astronomers? Ancient Knowledge Created By Modern Myth Emília Pásztor, Dr Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14.
Evolution or Extinction of Neandertals: A Brief History Milford H. Wolpoff, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14.
The Evolution of Human Consciousness: Reflections on the Discovery of Mind and the Implications for the Materialist Darwinian Paradigm Martin Lockley, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. 4869-4875.
Sexual Consciousness and the Evolution of Human Sexuality: Breasts, Buttocks & the Big Brain Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14.
Hunters, Gatherers & the Evolution of Sex Differences in Consciousness Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14.
XI. Animal and Artificial ConsciousnessAnimals are Machines René Descartes Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
On the Hypothesis that Animals Are Automata, and Its History Thomas H. Huxley, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Quest for Animal Consciousness Andrea Nani, Clare M. Eddy, Andrea E. Cavanna, MD, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness and Intelligence in Mammals: Complexity thresholds David Deamer, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness in Bees Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Mirror Self-Recognition on Earth Thomas Suddendorf, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Cetaceans and Primates: Convergence in Intelligence and Self-Awareness Lori Marino, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness in Cephalopods? Jennifer Mather, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Can Machines be Murdered? Alex Miller Tate, Rory Scott, Andrea Eugenio Cavanna, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In Press.
XII. Quantum Physics and ConsciousnessConsciousness and Quantum Measurement: New Empirical Data York H. Dobyns, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness and Quantum Physics: A Deconstruction of the Topic Gordon Globus, M.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Logic of Quantum Mechanics and Phenomenon of Consciousness Michael B. Mensky, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
A Quantum Physical Effect of Consciousness Shan Gao, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Conscious Observer in the Quantum Experiment Fred Kuttner and Bruce Rosenblum, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Does Quantum Mechanics Require A Conscious Observer? Michael Nauenberg, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness Vectors Steven Bodovitz, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Quantum Physics, Advanced Waves and Consciousness Antonella Vannini Ph.D., and Ulisse Di Corpo, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Macro-Objectification Problem and Conscious Perceptions GianCarlo Ghirardi, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness and the Quantum Don N. Page, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Retrocausality and Signal Nonlocality in Consciousness and Cosmology Jack Sarfatti, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Quantum Hologram And the Nature of Consciousness Edgar D. Mitchell and Robert Staretz, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
XIII. Consciousness and ExtraTerrestrialsSETI by Entanglement Michael Ibison and George Hathaway, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
The Evolution of Consciousness in the Ancient Corners of the Cosmos Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
XIV. Consciousness and the UniverseDoes the Universe have Cosmological Memory? Does This Imply Cosmic Consciousness? Walter J. Christensen Jr., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Classical Anthropic Everett Model: Indeterminacy in a Preordained Multiverse Brandon Carter, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Gaia Universalis Samanta Pino, Ph.D., and Ernesto Di Mauro, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Electromagnetic Bases of the Universality of the Characteristics of Consciousness Michael A. Persinger, Ph.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
Consciousness: The Fifth Influence Michel Cabanac, Rémi Cabanac, the late Harold T. Hammel, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
How Consciousness Becomes the Physical Universe Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D., and Deepak Chopra, M.D., Journal of Cosmology, Vol 14. In press
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