Integral Life (an affiliate of Ken Wilber's Integral Institute) has relaunched the Integral Life Practice starter kit as a digital download. To celebrate and promote this relaunch, they will be giving away some cool stuff this week to those who purchase the kit - there are apparently some upgrades and updates to the original material kit, which I purchased years ago when it first came out. Apparently, those of us who own the original kit will get access to the new version for free.
Robert has been sending out some promotional materials this last week to get people fired up about the new version of ILP - here is some of the material.We’ve made the foundational Integral Life Practice starter kit available as a digital download. It’s easier to get started, more accessible, portable, and has many new updates.
Next Monday the 25th through Friday the 29th, I’ll be throwing in dozens of gifts for those of you who commit to an Integral Life Practice by buying an ILP kit.
Here’s what I’ll be raffling each day:
Monday the 25th – 3 ILP Diagnostic Coaching Sessions ($149 Value each)
Tuesday the 26th – 20 Integral Naked Premiere Annual Bundles ($99 value each)
Wednesday the 27th – 20 David Deida Function, Flow, and Glow DVDs ($29 value each)
Thursday the 28th – 20 Integral Institute Courier-style Laptop Bags. ($99 value each)
Friday the 29th – 1 Integral Spiritual Experience Ticket ($1499 value)To be eligible, you’ll need to sign up for your own ILP Kit, which puts you in the running for all the other prizes, including the ISE ticket (and you can win more than once).
I’ve seen the power of an Integral Life Practice in my own life. I’ve seen it in my friends’ lives. And I’ve seen my entire community grow and deepen because of it.
Watch your email inbox this Monday.
Do you already own the Integral Life Practice Starter Kit in the box? I want you to be involved in this too and have the opportunity to take your practice another notch deeper. You can have access to the ILP kit download for free, our gift to you to say thanks for supporting the Integral enterprise over the years. You won’t be part of the gift giveaway, but you’ll get to take advantage of the recent updates and those coming down the line. I’ll tell you how to take advantage of this on Monday.
Integral Life Marketing Guy,
Robert MacNaughton
And this . . .From Theory to Transformation
Terry Patten and Ken talk about the essential components of Integral theory and how they work to create the powerfully transformative yet simple practice framework Integral Life Practice.
Right-click here to download the mp3
Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages, and is the first philosopher-psychologist to have his Collected Works published while still alive. Wilber is an internationally acknowledged leader and the preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development, which continues to gather momentum around the world.
Terry Patten is co-author of the book Integral Life Practice along with Ken Wilber, Marco Morelli, and Adam Leonard. He’s a coach, teacher, and author of four books and has worked for thirty years to integrate ancient and modern practices for raising consciousness.
If you haven’t yet checked-out the video from Ken in the post below, Divine Pride, it’s quite inspiring.
Divine Pride
A powerful message. This was filmed about a year ago at a live event at the Boulder Integral center where Ken teaches regularly. I love how Ken offers such an inspiring challenge to all of us in the Integral community. When I watched this again recently, it put me in touch with the real power of engaging in Integral practice, which is about bringing consciousness to the whole of our being. As Ken says in the video, part of the responsibility for holding an Integral vision is practicing your own Divine Pride. Far from bragging or arrogance, the realization of Divine Pride calls us back from our small view of ourselves and demands that we lean more seriously and deeply into our leading edge. As Ken says, the Integral view is a privileged view, but because of that it is one that calls us to greater responsibility. It’s one thing to appreciate an integral perspective, but it’s living from that place that creates the transformation we know is possible.
I’m excited about what’s possible as we continue this engagement with practice, and further integrate all areas of our life — body, mind, and spirit — in self, culture and nature. This I firmly believe is the core foundation of our work.
Watch your email over the next couple of weeks; we’ve got a lot more to share and explore.
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