Here is one I liked.
Original Air Date:1/21/2009 4:00 AM
Douglas Melloy: Creating Responsibility for the Self
Interview 5: Douglas Melloy: (author of The Nature of the Self and the Social Evolution of Humanity and other books) An hour filled with insights and wisdom about one of our most important tasks in this life: becoming responsible for ourselves.
And this is the description of her show:
Re-Wiring the Soul with Dr. Gabriella Kortsch
This is a show that aims at real talk about how to make a difference in your life. How to improve your life. How to better understand why you are the way you are and help yourself grow far beyond that. This means that we focus not only on your psyche, your mind, your emotions, and your body, but also on your spirit and your soul.
After five years of broadcasting a conventional radio show in Southern Spain about topics in the broad (and frequently eclectic) fields of integral psychotherapy and positive psychology, I wanted to venture further abroad. Over 150 audio clips were produced from that show and they are all available via my website or blog.
Re-wiring the Soul is the result of my desire for a change. Psychology per se is good, but we need to reach much further in our quest to create the balanced human being. The mission statement for this show might be “using all tools available via nutrition, fitness, psychology, cutting-edge empirical research, holistic therapies, spirituality, neuro-science, etc. to further the growth of the soul.”
This call-in talk show will welcome and interview guests from all walks of life, although occasionally I will be speaking alone. Those of you who have listened to my past programs know that the main message I have always woven through the shows has consisted of the need for becoming aware and then making good choices from this position of awareness. On this show that will be our guiding dictum.
I'm an integral life coach, clinical hypnotherapist, relationship coach, dream worker, EFT practitioner, writer, and professional speaker.
I work with clients locally in person and internationally via phone or SKYPE (in English, Spanish, and German) to move them towards greater personal, professional, and relationship success with an integral and human potential raising approach to life.
Sign up for my free cutting edge and inspiring ezine (now available in English and Spanish) at or to listen to previously aired radio shows on the website. Workshop information, articles, and past newsletters are also available there.
Gabriella Kortsch, Ph.D., CHT
1 comment:
Hi William,
Thanks for that very generous posting about my new show Rewiring the Soul. It's giving me great pleasure to produce it, and if listeners benefit from it as much as I do, then it will be very much worth it.
I know you link to that great blog Zen Habits on your own blog, because that's where I first heard of Leo Babauta, the owner of the blog. So you may have seen that he will be my guest on February 18th.
Small world ... from you in Tucson ... to me in southern Spain ... to Leo in Guam ...
Gabriella from sunny Spain
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