Omnivore blog, here is a new collection of links on philosophy, postmodernis, culture, and other obscure topics in which most Americans have little interest.
Understood as speculative thought
Dec 26 2013

- From Double Dialogues, a special issue on The Event, The Subject and The Artwork.
- Christopher M. Green (Foucault): State, Space and Self: Poulantzas and Foucault on Governmentality.
- Catherine Morrison (URI): Being, Rhetorical: Aristotle, Heidegger and the Temporal Ontology of Rhetoric.
- From The Carceral, Bernard E. Harcourt (Chicago): Rethinking Power with and beyond Foucault; Daniele Lorenzini (UPEC): Foucault and the Analytic Philosophy of Politics; Arianna Sforzini (UPEC): Ceremonies, Rituals, Dramatics: A Theatrical “Ethnology” of Power; and Jasmine Rault (New School): On Biopolitics in Queer Theory.
- From darkmatter, a special issue on postcolonial injunctions.
- LOL/OMG he is crazy: Robert Kiely reviews Georges Bataille’s Louis XXX.
- Jonny Gordon-Farleigh interviews Simon Critchley on new political identities.
- Axel Andersson reviews Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital Obscuring Capitalism by Vivek Chibber.
- From Sartre to the social condition: Iddo Tavory on the social dimension of the existential.
- In his review of Luciana Parisi’s recent book, Contagious Architecture, Jeremy Lecomte considers her claim that parametric architecture is a mode of algorithmic computation that should be understood as speculative thought.
- Finn Janning on the happy death of Gilles Deleuze.
- From Theory, Culture and Society, an interview with William Davies and Nicholas Gane, authors of The Limits of Neoliberalism: Authority, Sovereignty and the Logic of Competition (and more).
- McKenzie Wark on Kierkagaard’s frenemies: From Adorno to Zizek.
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