I undoubtedly had ADHD as a child, but it was not diagnosed until I was 40 years old and going back to school for a second masters degree. While ADHD is still listed as a disorder, and treated with meds (which have helped for me), I prefer to see my fast brain as a developmental adaptation to a FAST world (see here, here, and here). Neurodiversity, eh?!
This is from Australia's ABC Radio National program, All in the Mind, with Lynne Malcolm.
Racing Minds
Hosted by Lynne Malcolm
Sunday 22 December 2013
Impulsive, impatient, easily bored, chaotic and need to multi-task? Attention deficit /hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition which begins in childhood but three to five per cent of adults continue to have the symptoms. Many don’t even realise they have the condition until they encounter life’s challenges as an adult, away from the supervision of parents and teachers. Jess tells of her life with a fast mind and we hear about effective management and treatment strategies.
- Jessica Morrison, Experiences ADHD as an adult
- Dr Craig Surman, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Scientific coordinator for the Adult ADHD Research Program, Massachusetts General Hospital
- Dr Caroline Stevenson, Clinical Psychologist, NSW Institute of Psychiatry; Addults with ADHD (NSW) Inc, A non-funded voluntary organisation for Adults with ADHD
PO Box 22
Epping NSW 1710
Ph: 02 - 9806 9960
fax: 02 9806 9940
email: info@add.org.au
Fast Minds - How to thrive if you have ADHD (or think you might have) - Craig Surman, Tim Bilkey, with Karen Weintraub
Further Information
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