I may have posted parts of this before, but it's worth a second look. This is a great discussion on the nature of the self with three of the leading thinkers in this area, Pim van Lommel, MD, Hospital Rijnstate, The Netherlands, Thomas Metzinger, PhD, University of Mainz, Germany, and Evan Thompson, PhD, University of Toronto. Thompson & Metzinger are among my favorite writers on consciousness.
To Be or Not To Be: The Self as Illusion
Moderated by Krista Tippett, MDiv
Creator and Host of Public Radio's BeingSpeakers:
Pim van Lommel, MD, Hospital Rijnstate, The Netherlands
Thomas Metzinger, PhD, University of Mainz, Germany
Evan Thompson, PhD, University of TorontoEvidence from studies of the brain and mind point to a construct of the Self resulting from complex neurobiological processes interacting with the environment. If distinct neurobiological correlates of consciousness do in fact exist, does that necessarily imply that the Self is an epiphenomenon and illusion? Furthermore, how do these characterizations of the Self affect the way we represent ourselves, our responsibilities, and our actions in the world?
Renowned philosophers Thomas Metzinger and Evan Thompson will join cardiologist and expert on near-death experiences, Pim van Lommel, to examine recent developments in neuroscience and philosophy that shed light on whether our conscious experience of a unified Self is reality or illusion.
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