Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Zazen Meditation

A good primer on Zazen meditation.

He advocates trying to clear the mind of thoughts, the monkey-mind taming. However, this is tough for most of us. He then suggests counting breaths, which is good. I prefer to focus on the breath, in and out, the feel of it in my body, and simply observe the thoughts floating through my head without attaching to them. But then, I don't do traditional Zazen.



Anonymous said...

"I prefer to focus on the breath, in and out, the feel of it in my body, and simply observe the thoughts floating through my head without attaching to them."

Hmmm ... sounds like traditional zazen to me !

Unknown said...

Yep. Sounds pretty traditional to me. Zazen is like marinating: just experience "not thinking", just that. Thoughts come to mind, that is the function of mind, to create thoughts. Thoughts are empty. Wrestling with them is the cause of suffering. Zazen for me is simply taking refuge in the experience of breath and body. Nothing extra, nothing lacking.