Saturday, March 25, 2006

Gratitude, Day 17

Today, I am grateful for March Madness. Even though my team lost a heartbreaker last night in overtime (UW fell to UConn, who was seeded number one in that bracket), I am enjoying the few games I have been able to see. I can't remember a tournament with so many close games going into overtime or being decided on the final shot. The NCAA tournament is the best of why we watch sports -- exciting finishes, amazing physical skills, player enthusiasm, and the reality that any team can win on any given day.

What are you grateful for?

[Image from ESPN]


Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for feeling somewhat centered and calm in the midst of a very busy day -- hmmm, I just might be onto something

Umguy said...

A car that hasn't crapped out yet despite getting into dangerous milage territory.