It's time for another of the always fabulous Mind and Life Conferences, this one on Craving Desire, and Addiction.
Here is the list and associations of this year's participants:MIND AND LIFE 2013 – XXVII: CRAVING, DESIRE, AND ADDICTION
with His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India – October 28 – November 1, 2013
- TENZIN GYATSO, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
- KENT BERRIDGE, PHD, James Olds Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan
- SARAH BOWEN, PHD, Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
- RICHARD J. DAVIDSON, PHD, William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Director, Laboratory of Affective Neuroscience University of Wisconsin–Madison
- WENDY FARLEY, PHD, Professor, Department of Religion, Emory University
- VIBEKE ASMUSSEN FRANK, PHD, Deputy Director and Associate Professor, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University, Denmark
- ROSHI JOAN HALIFAX, PHD, Founder, Abbot, and Head Teacher, Upaya Zen Center
- THUPTEN JINPA, PHD, Adjunct Professor, McGill University, Chairman Mind & Life Institute
- MARC LEWIS, PHD, Professor, Behavioural Science Institute,Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- MATTHIEU RICARD, PHD, Buddhist Monk, Shechen Monastery
- NORA VOLKOW, MD, Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Health
- DIANA CHAPMAN WALSH, PHD, President Emerita, Wellesley College, Governing Board Member, The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
- ARTHUR ZAJONC, PHD, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Amherst College, President Mind & Life Institute
Mind and LIfe XXVII - Craving, Desire, and Addiction- Day 1, PM
Published on Oct 29, 2013
Mind and Life XXVII - Craving, Desire, and Addiction from Dharamsala, India on October 28 - November 1, 2013.
The conference focuses its attention on craving, desire, and addiction, as these are among the most pressing causes of human suffering. By bringing contemplative practitioners and scholars from Buddhist and Christian traditions together with a broad array of scientific researchers in the fields of desire and addiction, hopefully new understandings will arise that may ultimately lead to improved treatment of the root causes of craving and its many manifestations.
Day One - October 28: The Problem of Craving and Addiction
Morning Session: Introductory remarks
Afternoon sessions: The Role of Craving in the Cycle of Addictive Behavior
Day Two - October 29: Cognitive and Buddhist Theory
Morning session: Brain Generators of Intense Wanting and Liking
Afternoon session: Psychology of Desire, Craving, and Action: A Buddhist Perspective
Day Three - October 30: Biological and Cultural Views
Morning Session: The Role of Dopamine in the Addicted Human Brain
Afternoon Session: Beyond the Individual - The Role of Society and Culture in Addiction
Day Four - October 31: Contemplative Perspectives
Morning Session: From Craving to Freedom and Flourishing: Buddhist Perspectives on Desire
Afternoon Session: Contemplative Christianity, Desire, and Addiction
Day Five - November 1: Into the World
Morning Session: Application of Contemplative Practices in Treatment of Addiction
Afternoon Session: Concluding Remarks
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