Arthur Zajonc is a physicist by training, but he has served as the President of the Dalai Lama's Mind and Life Institute since 2012. In addition, he is co-founder of the Kira Institute, past-president of the Lindisfarne Association, and co-founder of the Fetzer Institute.
He is author of the book: Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love (2008) and Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind (1995), co-author of The Quantum Challenge, Second Edition : Modern Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (2005), and co-editor of Goethe's Way of Science (1995).
This interview comes from NPR's On Being with Krista Tippett (previously aired in June 2010 and November 2011).
Arthur Zajonc on Holding Life Consciously
September 12, 2013
Previous Versions
What happens when you bring together science and poetry on something like color or light? Arthur Zajonc is a physicist and contemplative. And he says we can all investigate life as vigorously from the inside as from the outside.
Voices on the Radio
Arthur Zajonc is emeritus professor of physics at Amherst College and president of the Dalai Lama's The Mind and Life Institute. His books include Meditation as Contemplative Inquiry: When Knowing Becomes Love and The Heart of Higher Education: A Call to Renewal.
- Radio Show/Podcast (mp3, 51:00)
- Unedited Interview Arthur Zajonc (mp3, 89:31)
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Production Credits
- Host/Producer: Krista Tippett
- Executive Producer: Kate Moos
- Associate Producer: Nancy Rosenbaum
- Associate Producer: Susan Leem
- Technical Director: Chris Heagle
- Senior Editor: Trent Gilliss
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