Saturday, September 15, 2012

One Day - A Short Animated Film on Impermanence

Via io9, this is a cool little animated film about a man whose house jumps around the world, spending only day in each location. So what happens when he wants to stay someplace?

Film blurb: “One man always on the move will have an encounter that puts into question everything he knows.”

A Sweet Animated Short about a Man Whose House Teleports All Over the World

The short animated film One Day features a man with an incredible gift: his home jumps around the world, spending just one day in each location. But what happens when the house's occupant finds a place where he wants to stay.

This short comes out of Paris' Gobelins School of the Image. There are shades of Doctor Who in the house that jumps around, unbidden by its owner, but it has a very different, very travel-weary protagonist who might be swayed to stay put after a simple, human encounter.

For non-French-speakers, "rien à faire" means "nothing to do."

[via Geek Art Gallery]

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