Of interest to some readers, Ms. Nash has been a chief facilitator for Shinzen Young for over a decade--often leading his Basic Mindfulness phone retreats. She also wrote the study guide to Shinzen’s “Talks on Teaching” CD series, and “Posture-pedia” an article on physical aspects of sitting is used by many meditation centers. In addition, she created and runs his YouTube channel.
BG 223: Tuning In to the Truth of the Moment
Episode Description:
We’re joined again by meditation teacher and actress Stephanie Nash, this time to explore some of the striking parallels between the disciplines of acting and meditation. Stephanie shares how a month-long Shakespeare acting intensive was her gateway to the spiritual path and how at it’s core acting is about allow the flow of experience and emotion. She relates some of the Vajrayana practices to the techniques that actors use, and shares some of the ways that actors use the body to enter into an emotion. We conclude by discussing some of the ways that meditators might also learn from actors, especially when it comes to learning how to positively express emotions and stay embodied.This is part 2 of a two-part series. Listen to part 1, The Chief Facilitator.
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