Friday, December 05, 2008

Psyche: Resources for Psychology and Spirituality

Kurt Barstow, who writes for The Examiner (LA Religion & Spirituality), has a great article up on resources that integrate psychology and spirituality. He has also finished his review of the Integral Life Practice book, and I'll be posting links to those articles over the next couple of days.

Psyche: resources for psychology and spirituality

by Kurt Barstow

Robert Fludd, The Faculties
Although the psyche in psychology means "soul," it is not very frequently the case that spirituality enters into therapy or that therapist's are trained in the spiritual dimensions of being. Psychology as it was conceived in the 20th Century was meant to be a scientific discipline and even today the vast majority of psychologists are trained primarily in cognitive behavioral therapy. Jung was the major figure of the period to bring soul into psychology, and in the sixties and seventies the development of the humanistic and transpersonal schools marked a newfound synthesis of the spiritual and the psychological aspects of life. We seem to be in a period now where this integration will continue as more and more people become spiritually awake. Below are a variety of internet sites in this area that provide therapist referrals, information, training, conferences, public programs, and other resources. Most of them are based in California.

Institute for Spirituality and Psychology

A new organization whose mission is to ease suffering, promote peace, and support spiritual awakening by bringing together the wisdom traditions of spirituality and psychology. Audio of talks and discussions, therapist directory.

Spiritual Emergence Network

Started by Stanislov and Kristina Grof, this is one of the first groups ever to try to deal with spiritual conditions that might normally be pathologized, such as Kundalini Awakening, psychosis, near death, or alien abduction experiences. Provides therapist referral and support to people dealing with difficulties in psychospiritual growth. Also has a useful book list.

Spiritual Emergency Resource Center

Associated with SEN above, a graduate student of the California Institute of Integral Studies responds to each caller and helps them with referrals.

Go read the whole list of resources.

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