Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mr. Huggins & Snugglypoo

[click image to enlarge]

I'm meaning to mention this newish blog for a while, but kept forgetting. Mr. Huggins & Snugglypoo is created by David Hutchison and Aaron Crowe.

If you decide to check out this beautifully illustrated and conceptualized strip, start at the beginning to get the story arc. I recently went back and read the strip from the beginning (first one above) and enjoyed the narrative a lot. You will too.

In the bulletin section, they mention they are working on a new story arc -- should be good.

Here are the first five episodes:
  1. The Bear Drops
  2. History of the G'ooniverse
  3. Cheaper Beans
  4. Alienation
  5. I Miss G'oo

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