The Practical Virtue Proofs of an Authentic and Effective Integral Spirituality Lifestyle![]()
When lived in a balance, the list of virtues and values found in this article are the resultant authentic fruits of the Spirit. These fruits of classic, modern and post modern virtues are a reliable and observable broad spiritual community validity "proofs" for the results of authentic and effective spiritual practice, spiritual growth and a congruent spiritual lifestyle for an individual within the world. Compare your current spiritual lifestyle against these virtues criteria now...
Within the majority of world religions they also are considered to be the time-proven community validity and reality tests for the legitimacy of the results that are to be achieved if one is xperiencing authentic spiritual practice and spiritual growth. In the list below you will find some virtues and values from the modern, postmodern and integral worldviews not specifically mentioned in earlier classical or traditional worldview lists of virtues and values.
The virtues below do not absolutely imply belief in a God/Buddha or being self-aware that one is on a "spiritual" path. People can embody or practice these values and virtues as a secular humanist. The values and virtues can be also thought of as one of the best results and proofs of authentic "enlightenment."
For ages, these virtues and values have been called the "fruits of the spirit" in humanity’s religious materials. While one could live and demonstrate these virtues without being spiritual, claiming to be spirituality growing or having an authentic and congruent spiritual lifestyle and practice without increasingly manifesting living more of these virtues lived in balance is a spiritual incongruity.
Click here to use our online tool to rate your relationship and life application of the virtues listed below. This will make it easier to see just how balanced your application of them actually is.If you have not done so already click here to use our online tool to rate your relationship and life application of the virtues listed above. This online rating tool will make it far easier to accurately see just how balanced your current application of the virtues actually is.Accepting - tolerating without protest, on a deeper level recognizing the inherent and neutral truth/existence/"isness" of every occurrence
Adaptable - capable of adapting to varying conditions
Altruistic - unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
Amiable - being friendly, sociable, and congenial
Appreciative - having or showing gratitude
Attentive - heedful of the comfort or condition of others
Authentic - true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
Autonomous - existing or capable of existing independently
Aware - having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge
Balanced – mental, spiritual and emotional dynamic steadiness
Benevolent - disposed to doing good
Capable - having general efficiency and ability
Centered - emotionally stable and secure
Charitable - merciful or kind in judging others
Committed - able act with deliberation
Communicative - able to transmit information, thought, or feeling so that it is satisfactorily received or understood
Compassionate - showing empathy
Competent - having requisite or adequate ability or qualities
Considerate - thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others
Consistent - marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity
Cooperative - a willingness and ability to work with others
Courageous - mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficultyCo-Responsible - being a co-responsible agent doing at least your approximately one six billionth fair share part to co-evolve our shared world toward the necessary improvements that you see and know need to be made.
Creative - an ability to create beauty and or art in one’s life as well as bringing increased levels of creativity or co-creativity to solving the problems of life
Decisive - to find out or come to a decision about by investigation, reasoning, or calculation
Devoted - consecrated to a purpose
Direct - free from evasiveness or obscurity
Discerning - showing discriminating insight and understanding
Eco-Friendly - displaying environmental co-responsibility and sustainability
Ethical - guided by that which is morally good
Evolving - moving oneself forward physically, mentally and spiritually
Fair - characterized by frankness, honesty, impartiality, or candor; open; upright; free from suspicion or bias; equitable; just
Flexible - characterized by a ready capability to adapt to new, different, or changing requirements
Forgiving - allowing room for error or weakness and to give up resentment
Generous - showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind
Good - possessing moral excellence or virtue
Grounded - having a firm foundation
Honest - free from fraud or deception. Marked by integrity. Marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression
Hopeful - desiring some good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable
Humane - compassionate, sympathetic, or considerate towards humans or animals
Humble - not proud or haughty: not arrogant or inappropriately assertive
Inclusive - broad in orientation or scope
Integrative - forming, coordinating, blending or integrating parts into a functioning or unified whole
Interconnected - to be or become or understand our mutually connectedness in the web of life
Interdependent - understanding that both or many parties are needed to be successful
Just - rendering or disposed to render to each one his due; equitable; fair; impartial
Loving - feeling or showing affection
Loyal - true to any person or persons to whom one owes fidelity, especially as a wife to her husband, lovers to each other, and friend to friend; constant; faithful to a cause or a principle.
Ministering - to supply or to things needful; esp., to supply consolation or remedies
Open-minded - ready to entertain new ideas
Patient - good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
Peaceful - peacefully resistant in response to injustice
Productive - producing, or able to produce, in large measure; fertile; profitable, also creating or maintaining productive, equitable and ethical relationships of exchange with others, society and world
Responsible - to be reliable; to be trustworthy
Self-Disciplined - correcting or regulating oneself for the sake of improvementSufficiency - the quality or state of being sufficient, or adequate to the end proposed, knowing when "enough is enough" particularly in relation to the excesses of materialism
Tolerant - showing respect for the rights or opinions or practices of others
Trustworthy - taking responsibility for one's conduct and obligations. Worthy of trust or belief
Truthful - conformity to reality or actuality
Willing - voluntarily disposed or inclined towardsFor more recently added information on the values of an integral citizen in the integral age, click here.
For information relating to where the virtues have come from and their relation to both spirituality and nature click here for more on Evolutionary Spirituality. To discuss your ideas on the virtues, click here.
Offering multiple perspectives from many fields of human inquiry that may move all of us toward a more integrated understanding of who we are as conscious beings.
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Practical Virtue Proofs of an Authentic and Effective Integral Spirituality Lifestyle
This post appeared over at Integrative Spirituality a few days ago. It seems like a useful list of values that can be obtained through spiritual practice, no matter which tradition one practices in. It includes an anonymous values quiz that asks some good questions.
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