Thursday, January 10, 2008

Jeff Foster - Meeting in Nonduality (Advaita)

Nice pointing out instructions. On a personal reaction -- although what he says makes perfect sense, how he says it seems "off." Kind of looks like he's trippin' on LSD or something. Maybe that's just me.

Jeff Foster ("Life Without A Centre") speaking about nonduality in Birmingham, UK, October 2007.

"Here, we speak of another possibility, a possibility the seeker in his/her desperate quest for spiritual enlightenment could never, ever accept: That there is only ever the present appearance of life, with no separate "individual" at its core who could ever escape, even if they wanted to. This message is about nothing less than the possibility of absolute freedom from suffering and seeking, right here, right now, in the midst of this very life. A life lived by no-one. A life without a centre...."


Anonymous said...

It's because he's enlightened. That's how enlightened people speak sometimes.

Anonymous said...

he looks so peaceful and happy,why cant i feel like that,its not fair l

Anonymous said...

What older red blooded man isn't going to let a pretty young thing babble on about nonsense? Perhaps the kid is on LSD, who cares. If he seems so tranquil and carefree, it is probably simply because the rabbit has yet to die or she is paying the rent. This may sound cynical, but I promise to listen more closely should he want to wear less.