"Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise."
~ Bertrand Russell
Image of the day:

~ Two Weeks to Bigger Lats! -- By Ellington Darden, Ph.D., writing at T-Nation.
~ BONUS ARTICLE - Hardgainer No More! -- Key Times for Muscle Growth by Michael Roussell, also writing for T-Nation.
~ Medical Mystery: Morbid Obesity -- "What Causes Morbid Obesity, and Can It Be Overcome?"
~ Cancer deaths drop for 2nd straight year (AP) -- "After a decline of 369 deaths from 2002 to 2003, the decrease from 2003 to 2004 was 3,014 — or more than eight times greater, according to a review of U.S. death certificates by the American Cancer Society."
~ Cross-training for maximum fitness -- "You can exercise hard on one day and easy on the next few days, or you can train in two sports. This is called cross-training, and it can make you very fit and help to prevent injuries."
~ Active and Dynamic Stretching -- "Stretching before and after running (and any physical activity) is an important aspect of preventing injuries. Stretching can also help with muscle recovery, optimizing muscle gains and increasing flexibility."
~ The Plague of High Fructose Corn Syrup in Processed Foods -- " While some health "experts" are still debating the nutritional value of high fructose corn syrup, there's plenty of evidence to the contrary, starting with the obesity epidemic largely fueled by sugary sweet drinks.
~ Eastern Philosophy Promises Hope For Western Women With Eating Disorders -- Buddhism to the rescue.
~ Layoffs hurts staff's mental health -- Gee, I can't see why -- maybe it's because they think they're next.
~ Refs choke on whistles when the home team commits a foul -- A look at home field advantage in English soccer.
~ Childhood Abuse Predicates Health Problems -- The impact lasts long after the bruises (and other wounds) are gone.
~ Mind Control and Severed Heads -- Fun stuff from Omni Brain.
~ "Hard-wired" for God [Gene Expression] -- Interesting post.
~ Beauty in the eye of other beholders -- But what other people think matters, too.
~ Give me your thoughts on an upcoming Wired feature: "Radical Transparency" -- Is privacy dead?
~ Age, education shape drinking patterns: UK study -- "Highly educated British women are more likely to binge drink in their 20s but curb the habit by the time they reach 40, researchers said on Thursday."
~ Romney Is on the Fast Track -- "Deafened by the media buzz for new Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is the renewed chatter among top Republicans that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney appears to be forming his campaign operation faster than planned."
~ Can Jews and Evangelicals Get Along? -- "Some Jewish leaders have declared war on the Christian right. In an age of jihad, argues Zev Chafets, that is perverse."
~ How Republicans handle a failing president -- "If you are a House or Senate Republican, how do you decide whether to join the dissidents or stick with Bush?"
~ Secret Court To Govern Wiretapping Plan -- Hmmm . . . I'm doubtful this was done with good intentions.
~ Grover Norquist, Christian Conservatives Fight Ethics Bill -- "As the US Senate debated an ethics bill last night, conservative Christian groups and 'Jack Abramoff's friend' Grover Norquist were unleashing a major cyber-lobbying effort in opposition to the bill."
~ World falling behind on 2015 education goal (Reuters) -- "Access to education increased dramatically over the past century but 323 million children worldwide are still not in school and efforts to achieve universal primary education by 2015 are likely to fail, a new study said on Wednesday."
~ Drug makers purposely stall release of generics -- "Drug companies increasingly are reaching legal settlements that delay the introduction of cheaper generic medicines and cheat Americans of billions of dollars a year in savings, federal regulators on Wednesday told lawmakers seeking to ban the agreements."
~ The Next Really Big Thing: Digital Billboards -- "Digital billboards are starting to sprout along highways near you. Some are visible for more than 2 miles. Expect distracting ads to include animations."
~ McKibben reports lots of early interest in April 2007 climate rallies -- "Have you started planning a climate-change rally in your community for April 14? Well, what's the holdup? In his second dispatch about the "Step It Up 2007" campaign, Bill McKibben reports that responses have started surging in from people all over the U.S. who want to organize local events and call for Congress to curb the emissions that are hotting up the planet."
~ Intersex Fish Linked to Human Activity -- "Male fish with female characteristics in the Potomac River Basin are linked to chemicals found in pesticides, flame retardants and personal-care products."
~ U.S. Interior Department knew about drilling loophole for years -- "We're beginning to detect a pattern among Bush administration responses to huge fusterclucks. It seems U.S. Interior Department officials who said they'd learned only last year that oil companies were avoiding billions of dollars in royalty payments have (surprise!) known about the problem for a while."
~ Megatrends 2010: The Seven Trends Changing the Landscape of Capitalism -- From ~C4Chaos.
~ MULTIPLEX: From ISC: States and Stages Sunday.
~ Wanna work for low wages, in a possibly sinking enterprise that will likely set you aflame with integral passion? BLOG: Integral Institute Careers
~ Ken Wilber, The Strange Case of Adi Da, and Ernest Becker -- Over at the Zaadz I-I pod.
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