There are some practical questions about transhumanism that I don't think anyone has answered. How do we feed them a population that increases due to longer lifespan? How do we make room on an already overcrowded planet for people who live 150 or 200 years?
Anyway, enjoy the link fest - there's a lot of them.
Transhumanism should be the norm
JUL 30 2013

- From IEET, John Danaher on moral enhancement and superficiality: Compassion-pills (and part 2 and part 3).
- Prometheus unbound: Researchers have yet to realise the old dream of regenerating organs — but they are getting closer.
- Superhumans: Some people have neurological quirks that give them extraordinary perceptual powers — what can we learn from them?
- Jose Cordeiro on the principles of extropy, a quarter century later.
- Clyde DeSouza on 4 ways Google Glass makes us transhuman (and more).
- Reeve Armstrong on why utilitarianism is immoral and inconsistent with transhumanism.
- Is human super-intelligence a bad idea?
- George Dvorsky on 7 totally unexpected outcomes that could follow the Singularity.
- Justifying human enhancement: Andy Miah on the case for posthumanity.
- Luke Muehlhauser interviews Nick Beckstead on the importance of the far future.
- Does enhanced human equal transhuman? Armand Vespertine wonders.
- Are cyborgs the future of humanity?
- Khannea Suntzu on the final disillusion.
- Franco Cortese on transhumanism, technology, and science: To say it’s impossible is to mock history itself; and on the hubris of neo-Luddism.
- Will our next evolutionary hat trick be to leave all biological baggage behind?
- Harry Bentham on why transhumanism should be the norm.
- Extropia Da Silva on why it is (not) great to be a digital person.
- Death is nothing but misplaced waste, and it’s time to take out the trash, with haste.
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