Thursday, August 30, 2012

Preview of Shinzen Young's Tricycle Online Retreat "What is Mindfulness?"

Zen Buddhist teacher Shinzen Young will be leading a 30-day online retreat at the Tricycle Magazine website in the month of September. In the video clip below, he is interviewed by Polly Young-Eisendrath (a Jungian psychologist, student of Shinzen's, and one of my favorite authors), about his Vipassana teachings and about understanding the variations in mindfulness practice.

Interview with Shinzen Young

Next week we'll begin Shinzen Young's month-long Tricycle Online Retreat "What is Mindfulness?" Through talks and guided practices, Shinzen will elucidate how mindfulness is defined from numerous points of view and discuss factors that could facilitate or inhibit a global mindfulness revolution. The practice sessions will parallel the talks and offer an experiential point of view. Retreat participants will also be guided in Breath Focus and explore how this practice develops four aspects of mindful awareness: concentration power, sensory clarity, equanimity, and insight.

In this video, Shinzen Young speaks with Polly Young-Eisendrath, a Jungian psychologist and a student of Shinzen's, about the Vipassana he teaches and why it's important for students to understand the commonalities between different forms of mindfulness practice.

Tune in Tuesday, September 4, for the beginning of Shinzen Young's retreat!


The first week of the retreat is free, but the final 3 weeks requires sponsorship as a Supporting or Sustaining Member. Here is a little more about hte retreat:
These days, mindfulness is being hyped as the answer to every problem, from attention deficit disorder to global conflict. But what is mindfulness really? In this retreat we explore mindfulness from all angles. How is it cultivated? Why should we practice? Participants will be guided in Breath Focus from an advanced perspective, seeing how this practice develops four aspects of mindful awareness: concentration, sensory clarity, equanimity, and insight. While the practice of mindfulness has many personal benefits, we will find that, ultimately, we cultivate mindful awareness in the spirit of love and service for others.

This retreat involves both talks and practice. In the talks Shinzen will elucidate how mindfulness is defined from numerous points of view. He will also discuss factors that could facilitate or inhibit a global mindfulness revolution. The practice sessions will parallel the talks but from an experiential point of view. You'll be guided in Breath Focus from an advanced perspective, exploring how this practice develops four aspects of mindful awareness: concentration power, sensory clarity, equanimity, and insight.

Retreat begins September 4th, 2012.

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