Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
~ Heraclitus
Image of the day:
~ Healthy Eating Is At A Supermarket Near You -- "Supermarket grocery store tours could be the key to healthier lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) concludes a study published in the Health & Fitness Journal."
~ Dieting at new low, but most want to lose -- "The percentage of Americans who are dieting is at its lowest in at least 16 years even though a majority of adults say they would like to lose 20 pounds, according to a study released on Wednesday."
~ New Therapy For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome To Be Tested At Stanford. A drug used to treat viruses in the herpes family may be a new wonder therapy.
~ For weight loss that counts, count calories -- In other words, keep a food log.
~ Obesity operations jump in United States -- Always looking for a shortcut.
~ Armstrong: Washington weakens fight against cancer -- "I'm not known for my patience. Patience is a polite quality and often appropriate, but it rarely gets things done. Impatience, however, is the hunger for results and intolerance for excuses and delays. Impatience got me over countless mountain passes, across the finish line in New York City and through four rounds of ruthless chemotherapy 10 years ago."
~ More Revelations About The Latest Spicy Cancer Fighter -- Mmmm, love those peppers.
~ Pet owners have poorer health than normal -- That reverses previous assumptions.
~ Perimenopause: Ups and downs can last years -- "What shapes a woman's reality -- how she sees the world, how she relates to the people in her life, and how she feels about herself? Contrary to what you may think, the rockiest time isn't age 12, with the fresh flood of hormones, or age 51, the average age of menopause, according to neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine. It's those years before a woman enters menopause."
~ Eye Candy -- The image in this post is not moving -- your eyes are lying to you. Cool, huh?
~ Cognitive Rehabilitation Not Covered By Many Health Insurers -- "The Wall Street Journal on Monday examined how many brain injury patients who experience subsequent problems with memory, mental processing or behavior often do not receive cognitive rehabilitation because their health insurers do not cover the treatment."
~ Lower IQs in Childhood Linked to Accident-Prone Adulthood -- "The lower your IQ in childhood, the more accident-prone you might be as an adult."
~ Women Who Have Migraine Are More Likely To Get Depressed -- "A new study by US scientists reveals that women who get chronic headaches or migraine are the most likely to suffer depression and other somatic symptoms like fatigue, joint pain and insomnia."
~ Memory's Link To Recovering From Addiction.
~ Life Purpose Begins With a Eulogy -- "Begin pursuit of life purpose by writing your own legacy. Visualizing how you want to be remembered forms your plan for a life of purpose, fulfillment, and happiness."
~ Trust Your Instincts And Get It Right -- "A UCL (University College London) study has found that you are more likely to perform well if you do not think too hard and instead trust your instincts."
~ Why We Procrastinate -- "A scientist who used to procrastinate like crazy has gotten his act together and figured out why so many others wait until the last minute."
~ White House stands firm in stem cell debate -- "Supporters and opponents of human embryonic stem cell research promoted their positions on Wednesday ahead of a congressional vote on the issue, but the White House made clear it disapproves of any changes in legislation."
~ Pastor Answers Prayer by Donating his Kidney -- “He said, ‘I understand you need a kidney. Has anyone come forth?'”
~ Canada Court Says Child Can Have 2 Moms, 1 Dad -- "In a ruling released on Tuesday, the Ontario Court of Appeal said the female partner of the child's biological mother could be legally recognized as the boy's third parent."
~ Trump and Walters: It's War! -- When EGOS collide.
~ Assessing Apple's iPhone -- "Apple's iPhone debut Tuesday morning sucked the oxygen out of CES. 'The whole place is moping like a dumped boyfriend,' an NPR reporter wrote me from Vegas. 'It's as if everyone here went to the wrong party.'"
~ A Change in Tactics, Not Strategy -- "As Washington journalists debate whether to call President Bush's plan to send 20,000 more American troops into Iraq a "surge" or an "escalation," they are letting the White House get away with a much more momentous semantic scam."
~ Sen. Kennedy seeks universal health plan -- "The federal government should join the state of Massachusetts in enacting universal health coverage, said Sen. Edward Kennedy, the new chairman of the Senate committee with jurisdiction over numerous health issues."
~ New Breed of Economists Highlight Importance of Behavioral Health.
~ The Green Gripe With Obama: Liquefied Coal Is Still ... Coal -- "The Democratic senator from Illinois gets stellar marks from greens. So why then, environmentalists ask, is Obama backing a law supporting the expanded use of coal, whose emissions are cooking the globe?"
~ Bush Lifts Oil-Drilling Ban in Alaska's Bristol Bay.
~ Porpoises Starving in Europe Due to Ocean Warming.
~ Video: "Elephant Woman" Goes Wild for Research -- "Meet Wildlife Conservation Society biologist Andrea Turkalo, who doesn't just study forest elephants—sometimes she lives with them."
~ From ~C4, Ken Wilber is So Not New Age -- Wikipedia weirdness.
~ Not explicitly integral in topic, but close enough: A Couple of Blog Conversations, from Blogmandu.
~ God vs. Science and A Challenge to the Integrally-Informed, again from ~C4.
~ There's another good discussion going at Zaadz centered on Sam Harris's annoying article on Killing the Buddha, from Shambhala Sun last spring. I responded to this article last June.
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