~ Humans show major DNA differences. "Scientists have shown that our genetic code varies between individuals far more than was previously thought."
~ 7 Ways to Maximize Your Results. Some basic but good workout tips.
~ Eric Cressey at T-Nation has a good article on training the lats, and why you would want to specialize on this muscle group once in a while.
~ Embryonic Stem Cells Yield Full Range of Heart Tissues.
~ Biking Can Make Women's Genitals Less Sensitive. Join the club -- that numbness sucks -- that's why I don't ride the bike or do spin classes for cardio.
~ Fish oils, vitamins, herbs helpful for depression. I've been telling people this for a while now, maybe some more press attention will help people accept it.
~ Visions of God. Should we take literally our experiences of god?
~Fear Goggles. A look at the old social psychology explanation of emotions (arousal and context). The studies mentioned have fallen out of favor (although they were in the textbooks I read in college as a psych major), but there is still some validity to them.
~ From Steve Pavlina: Heart-Centered Motivation.
~ Via a tip from Joe at Until:
~ The Village Voice has a nice tribute to Robert Altman, who died earlier this week.
~ As Holidays Approach, Data Show High Rates Of Food, Health, & Housing Hardships For African Americans & Latinos.
~ The Four Ashrams or Life Stages. "Brahmacharya, Grahasta, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa are the four ashrams according to Vedic philosophy."
~ 4,000-Year-Old Tombs Found Near Jerusalem Mall.
~ Ten Worst Science Books. This is likely to push some buttons. I own four of the ten. You can read more commentary on the list here.
~ Greatest Mass Extinction Gave Oceans a Face Lift.
~ EPA to Regulate a Form of Nanotechnology for the First Time.
~ EPA Exempts Some Pesticide Use. Of course they do, because Silent Spring was just a practical joke.
~ From Mystery of Existence: The many meanings of transpersonal and Endarkenment: the beauty of the silent, full darkness and Spirit as 1st and then 3rd person. This is an excellent blog if you're not already reading it.
~ From David Jon at Zaadz: We Have Integral Cognition People.
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