~ A Gene That Enhances Muscle Performance Identified By Dartmouth Researchers. It'll be a matter of time before someone figures out how to gene-dope using this research. Some forms of gene doping are already happening.
~ If you want to lose weight and keep the muscle, diet alone is the wrong approach. [Abstract] Nothing new here.
~ Breastfeeding protects against type 2 diabetes.
~ Thanksgiving Trade-Offs. How to Eat Your Heart Out and Keep It Healthy.
~ Grapefruit and Drug Interactions: A Comprehensive Overview. This is a serious issue for older adults.
~ Broken Homes May Trigger Schizophrenia. I suspect correlation here more than cause and effect.
~ Perception of Consequences in the East and the West. Does each culture think differently?
~ Maintaining Mental Health Key To Having A Happy, Healthy, Holiday Season. This is suicide season, so maintaining balance is crucial for those prone to depression.
~ A new study asks why teenagers do stupid and dangerous things. This study reverses a lot of "common knowledge" about how teens think. Very interesting.
~ From Ryan at Integral Awakening: Confusion: The Precursor to Insight.
~ Nearly 4 in 10 U.S. babies born out of wedlock. Government report says hike happening despite steady drop in teen births.
~ Breast-Feeders Unite to Demand Their Rights. " A Women Apparently Kicked Off a Plane for Nursing Her Baby Inspires Protests Around the Country."
~ In precedent-setting ruling court says [Israel] must recognize gay marriage.
~ When religion loses its credibility. "What if Christian leaders are wrong about homosexuality? I suppose, much as a newspaper maintains its credibility by setting the record straight, church leaders would need to do the same:Correction: Despite what you might have read, heard or been taught throughout your churchgoing life, homosexuality is, in fact, determined at birth and is not to be condemned by God's followers."
~ Director Robert Altman dead at 81. This is a huge cultural loss. Nashville and Short Cuts changed my sense of what a movie could be.
~ From How to Change the World: The Four Preconditions for Let-Self-Change.
~ Toxin-Free Cottonseed Engineered; Could Feed Millions. " A toxic chemical has been mostly removed from cottonseeds, potentially turning an underused agricultural product into a food source for hundreds of millions of people, according to a new study."
~ Bill McKibben on 'green' Wal-Mart.
~ States sign nuclear energy pact. "An international consortium has signed a formal agreement to build an experimental nuclear fusion reactor."
~ Pressure at OSHA to alter warning: Author of advisory on asbestos in brakes faces suspension for refusing to revise it.
~ From World Changing: Design Notes From The Field: Choosing Good Plastics.
~ From ebuddha at Integral Practice: Integral Faith Practice?
~ From Mystery of Existence: Seeing and feeling all as Spirit.
~ From Joe at Until: The evolutionary pecking order of monotheistic religions.
~ From Ken Wilber's blog: MULTIPLEX: Integral Naked on YouTube! This is cool.
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