~ Tips For Enjoying Holiday Sweets And Keeping That "Sweet Tooth" Intact.
~ Link Between Obesity And Inflammation Could Lead To New Therapies. More and more, we're seeing inflammation as the root of all evil, or at least all diseases.
~ Avoiding The Annual Holiday Gain. Most of my new clients in January report having gained 5 to 7 pounds over the holidays -- don't let this happen to you.
~ Is When You Eat Important? Short answer: yes.
~ Mayo Researchers Note That Stronger Leg Muscles Can Protect Against Knee Osteoarthritis.
~ Research shows benefits of cranberries. Good anti-oxidants.
~ Food vs. Mood: Beat Emotional Eating. Some good tips to deal with the behavior of emotional eating, but you need to look at the causes if you want to conquer this demon -- talking with a friend is not enough.
~ Teen Girls Make Better Health Choices With Intervention Program. "For two consecutive years, researchers have been examining the effect of an innovative physical fitness and nutrition program on measures of cardiovascular fitness and self-esteem and found the students are making better health choices."
~ Emotion, Learning, Attention and Perception.
~ Blurred Definitions of Affect and Emotion.
~ Young Children Don't Believe Everything They Hear. "Until now, it's been thought that children believe most of what they hear. New research sheds light on children's abilities to distinguish between fantasy and reality."
~ Separating Emotion From Cognition.
~ The All-Time 100 Albums. I'm not so sure about this list. No Pink Floyd, no Peter Gabriel, no AC/DC (Back in Black was seminal), and no Doors, among other omissions.
~ Kissinger: Iraq military win impossible. And he should know about wars we cannot win.
~ The ecology of religion.
~ Stonehenge – A Place of Healing? New Theory About this Mysterious Place.
~ Helping Children Resolve Past Conflicts May Be Beneficial. Conflict resolution skills can be taught to kids.
~ Questioning the Culture War.
~ Frank Rich Hits Media's 'Fictional Story Line' Since the Elections. "The false story line, he explains, includes the myth of a party in shambles over the Murtha vs. Hoyer right, while downplaying the re-emergence of Trent Lott as a GOP leaders in the Senate. But the primary alleged falsehood is that the Democrats' sweep was "more or less an accident."
~ The Abortion Issue: No Longer Salient?
~ McCain Marches to the Right while Kerry Limps On.
~ Milton Friedman and the Social Responsibility of Business.
~ Lawrence Lessig and the Creative Commons Developing Nations License.
~ Why do people live in cities?
~ Island Lizards Morph in Evolutionary Experiment. Don't worry, evolution is a trick of Satan to lure doubters.
~ D.C. may mandate green building standards for private development.
~ Temperate Zone Forest Fires Can Cool the Climate. "Fires may boost the reflectivity of the ground, thereby counteracting the warming from the fire's release of greenhouse gases."
~ From Ed Berge at Open Integral: The pre-trans fallacy (fallacy?)
~ The Quarter-Life Crisis?
~ From Mystery of Existence: Inner and outer shadows and darkness.
~ This week on ISC.
~ From Integral Awakening: Potential of Integral Research.
~ From Numinous Nonsense: Integral Research.
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