~ Louisville official seeks trans fat ban. The tide is turning.
~ Workouts Help Ward Off Cancer's Return.
~ You Got General Relativity on My Protein Folding!
~ The Pain From Fibromyalgia Is Real, Researchers Say. My clients could have told them that.
~ Rote Learning Improves Memory In Seniors.
~ Ecstasy Can Harm The Brains Of First-Time Users. Crap . . . .
~ Laughter yoga no joke for fad's followers. If you're not feeling funny? Fake it, instructors say.
~ Measuring Brain Activity For Emotional Markers That May Indicate Risk For Developing Alcoholism.
~ Study Of Language Use In Children Suggests Sex Influences How Brain Processes Words.
~ Successful Goal Setting. Four critical questions to answer before you set goals for personal development and growth.
~ Preteen daters more likely to take up smoking: study.
~ Startling Discovery: The First Human Ritual. Very cool.
~ Uh Oh: US Official Criticizes Bush's Foreign Policy.
~ Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Huge Victory on Gay Parenting.
~ Marie Antoinette Pelosi? The GOP is already planning to portray her as an elitist liberal who is out of touch.
~ Peddling Poison: "The polonium 210 used to kill a former Russian spy is allegedly available on a U.S. Web site. How scared should we be?" Or is this another case of being scared of dumb things?
~ The Meaning Behind the Pope's Trip. "Analysis: Benedict's words and gestures in Turkey, including a visit to a mosque, reveal a man who is finding his footing but still has a long way to go."
~ Why Tom Vilsack is Starting So Early. "Winning the 2008 Democratic Nomination will require taking down a giant, but the Iowa governor is eager to take the challenge." Make that two giants.
~ From Mike at Unknowing Mind: Cultural Adaptation of Buddhism.
~ The Hot List. "Now that we've uncovered the most popular business trends for 2007, it's up to you to strike while they're hot."
~ Microscopic Barcodes Identify Biological Weapons Quickly.
~ Mild U.S. Hurricane Season Defied Predictions. Meanwhile it's snowing in Seattle in November. Go figure.
~ "Alchemy" Was the Secret to Making Stradivarius Violins, Study Says.
~ A bird's eye view of econometrics.
~Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacific Islands.
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