Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Speedlinking 11/29/06

This morning's image is from The Fairest:

~ From T-Nation, Muscle Revolution: An interview with Chad Waterbury. Waterbury's training programs aren't for beginners, but they rock.
~ Yesterday I posted a link to a dumb article by Gabe Mirkin on creatine. To make up for that mistake, here is an article from T-Nation that tells the truth about creatine, the most widely studied sports supplement ever. Creatine Update, 2006 -- Featuring David Barr and Dr. Lonnie Lowery.
~ Also from T-Nation, 27 Nutrition Facts
~ Scientists develop male birth control pill. Single dose, hormone-free drug prevents ejaculation of sperm.
~ Tension headaches eased with acupunture, exercise.

~ Mindless Eating Is A Nourishing Read.
~ Violent video game effects linger in brain. That explains why after nearly 20 hours of Asteroids as a kid I often felt a need to go outside and shoot rocks with a rifle.
~ Stress showdowns: Let the most frazzled win! More hassles, less sleep take the prize for competitive stressers.
~ Emotional Blogging. This is actually blogging about emotions, not quite how it sounds.
~ Are you normal? Are you mad? Yes.
~ On testing the dead. "The Financial Times has an article on recent research into Cotard delusion - a firm unshakable belief that you're dead - which can occur during mental illness or neurological disturbance."
~ The Freakonomics Of Food.

~ Measuring The Speed of Meme: An Experiment in which You Will Participate, Or Else...
~ Hunting the Illuminati: Ruling Elites: Facts, Falsehoods and Mystery. A fun little read, whether you take it seriously or not.
~ Rolling Stone reviews Mel Gibson's Apocalypto, three stars out of four. I have to admit, it looks interesting.
~ MoveOn Pushes Democrats to Tackle Its Agenda. Feeling powerful, are we?
~ The Pope Tries to Mend Fences in Turkey. "On the first day of his historic trip, Benedict softens his stance on Turkey's push to join the European Union and tries to put the controversy over his notorious speech about Islam to rest."
~ Tombs of Pre-Inca Elite Discovered Under Peru Pyramid.

~ Al Gore Interview: "It Is Not Too Late to Stop This Crisis".
~ Study: Single Meteorite Impact Killed Dinosaurs.
~ Sustainability in world politics, too.
~ Science a la Joe Camel. "So the company that made [An Inconvenient Truth] decided to offer 50,000 free DVDs to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) for educators to use in their classrooms. It seemed like a no-brainer. The teachers had a different idea: Thanks but no thanks, they said." Read why.
~ Earthshakers: the top 100 green campaigners of all time.

~ The mutuality of emptiness and form from Mystery of Existence.
~ From David Jon at Zaadz: A Map For The Lost Among Us?

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