A cool image for a hot Tucson day.
One of my clients who I hadn't seen in a little while gave me a belated b-day gift today: cashew butter. Hmmmm . . . . cashew butter. I am grateful for thoughtful people in my life.
Another blogger, Jay, has offered his wisdom in helping me switch to WordPress when I am ready to kick Blogger to the curb. Not sure if WordPress will be my choice, yet, but again, I am grateful for thoughtful people in my life.
My partner Kira is going out of town for a few days this weekend, so I cancelled a dental appointment to spend some time with her between clients. I am grateful for the time we had today.
Hell, I don't know . . . today was a good day and I just feel grateful to be alive.
What are you grateful for?
Del.Icio.Us Tags: Gratitude, Cashew butter, Thoughtful people, Blogging
Technorati Tags: Gratitude, Cashew butter, Thoughtful people, Blogging
I am grateful that Nagarjuna gave me this link to your blog a month ago. I have learned much from it and continue to be inspired by your writings.
Bill I'm grateful for your kindness,your expertise and the balance your workouts are bringing to my life,thank-you.
I'm grateful for more of a sense of equanimity than I thought possible as I leave to visit my family. And also for a wonderful partner to come back to -- what an incredible blessing.
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