Saturday, September 10, 2011

Video - Face to face with Carl Jung

Here is a rare interview with Dr. Carl Jung - pioneer of modern analytical psychology. Jung is seldom taught in psychology programs, yet many of his ideas have become central to modern psychotherapeutic practice, ideas such as shadow work, typologies, archetypes, complexes (subpersonalities), and levels of the unconscious (personal, cultural, and collective). He also envisioned the therapeutic process as a parallel to the alchemical process, adding a symbolic and ritual subtext to therapy that connects with deeper levels of our development.

I stumbled upon this video the other day - it's new to me, so maybe it's new to you.

Face to face with Carl Jung

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Part four:

The Nation at The New School: Ten Years After 9.11

There has been a lot of noise around the ten-year mark of the 9/11 attacks, and this conversation among writers from The Nation addresses many of the concerns that still linger for those who oppose living in a state of fear that allows the dismantling of our civil rights and individual freedoms.

The Nation at The New School - Ten Years After 9.11: How Has the United States Changed?

"At times of crisis, the most patriotic act of all is the unyielding defense of civil liberties and the right to dissent," wrote celebrated historian Eric Foner days after the 9/11 attacks. As national security became an obsession in Washington and the mainstream media enlisted in the Bush administration's war, the need for an independent, critical press seemed more urgent than ever. The enduring concerns of The Nation took on a new relevance. Ten years later, the events of 9/11 continue to reverberate, with the killing of Osama bin Laden and the Obama administration's ongoing pursuit of the Bush-era national security agenda. In this context, leading Nation writers and thinkers engage in a conversation about what has changed in the United States since September 11, 2001.


Key questions to be discussed include: Are we more secure? How can we as a country strike the right balance between security and liberty? How has the marketing of fear reshaped our politics, society, and culture? How should we rethink the concept of the War on Terror? How can we end the war in Afghanistan and devise a diplomatic and political solution to the conflict? How can we dismantle a security apparatus that too often invokes state secrecy? Do U.S. history—and other countries' histories—offer useful guideposts? If we accept, as The Nation has argued, that the most effective way to halt global terrorism involves cooperation with the global community, what frameworks do we envision and how can they be developed? What can we, as a nation, do to prevent another 9/11?

Riggio Honors Program: Writing and Democracy

Featuring Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation; Melissa Harris-Perry, Professor of Political Science at Tulane University; Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University; and Christopher Hayes, Washington editor of The Nation. Moderated by John Nichols, Washington correspondent, The Nation. Co-sponsored by the Leonard and Louise Riggio Writing and Democracy Initiative at The New School.

Location: Tishman Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/J. M. Kaplan Hall.September 8, 2011 7:00 p.m.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Roya R. Rad - Do You Know Your Shadow (Dark) Side?

Here is a little article from Huffington Post on the importance of shadow work - it's nice to see Jungian psychology hitting the mainstream. Admittedly, shadow work is common to many psychologies and spiritual practices, but Jung popularized the concept of the shadow and made it the centerpiece of his individuation process.

Do You Know Your Shadow (Dark) Side? 

- Transpersonal and positive psychology

What is the "shadow"? This is a term that was first used in psychological context by Carl G. Jung. He described the shadow as a denied part of the self, a part we repress because we have been given a message that it is "bad" or "evil" or that we need to feel shame and guilt if we have it. 

All of us have a shadow part, and it is not something that an "evil" person possesses. The shadow or the dark side of us is what gives us a perspective to the light side and makes us a whole human being. When we start doing shadow work, our personal growth process gets easier, since it brings out our hidden powers and turns them into light.

We have all been hurt because of these hidden shadow sides, which have been repressed and denied. When they get repressed, they control us; when we bring them out and learn to work with them, we are in control. Some of us have learned to take this pain and hurt and to bring a sense of balance to our disordered parts of the shadow. We do this because we want to feel a sense of liberation from unnecessary pain and sorrow. Through our shadow, we can face our hurt, fear and anger and learn how to live from our fullest functioning individual self, one that is content with his life and where it's taking him. One that is positively functioning to his fullest. 

In order to do shadow work, you may find these steps helpful . . . .

Go read the whole post.

Daron Acemoglu and Matthew O. Jackson - How cooperation evolves

This article comes from Vox, a site devoted to research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists, from a European perspective. I  wanted to share this because it's a newer interest in economics to look at cooperation rather than solely focusing on competition.

How cooperation evolves: History, expectations, and leadership

Daron Acemoglu   Matthew O. Jackson
13 June 2011

Economists are increasingly recognising the importance of social norms in determining economic outcomes. While some argue that these norms are set in stone, this column introduces a new framework exploring how these norms emerge, how they can change, and how leadership by individuals can play a pivotal role.

Social norms, which create self-reinforcing expectations and patterns of behaviour, are the foundation of social life. In many economic, political, and social situations where coordination is important, different social norms, with sharply varying consequences, may emerge and persist. Different norms regarding how much others should be trusted constitute one important example. For instance, Banfield (1958) and Putnam (1993), among others, point out how social norms concerning trust in others and public institutions as well as participation in civic activities differ between the south and north of Italy. As such norms are critical factors in the growth and prosperity of societies, it is essential to understand their formation and evolution.

Though much existing research on these issues emphasises the "cultural" origins of social norms including differences in the extent of trust between different societies or different parts of the same nation, social norms are not cast in stone and do change. Locke (2002), for instance, provides examples both from the south of Italy and the northeast of Brazil, where starting from conditions similar to those emphasised by Banfield in the south of Italy, trust and cooperation appear to have emerged. Recent events in the Middle East underscore this point. A very long period of lack of collective action led many commentators and social scientists to conclude that collective political action, particularly in favour of democracy, were inconsistent with the cultural values of the Middle East. Yet, many countries in the region are now in the midst of highly coordinated protests and associated changes in social norms of political participation. In the examples of changes in social norms emphasised by Locke, as well as in the recent events in the Middle East, actions by a small group of individuals who assumed leadership positions in coordinating expectations and behaviour appear to have played a pivotal role.

Why do similar societies end up with different social norms, and why and how social norms sometimes change? A common approach to answering these questions is to use coordination games, which have multiple equilibria corresponding to different self-fulfilling patterns of behaviour and rationalise the divergent social norms as corresponding to these equilibria. For example, it can be an equilibrium for all agents to be generally trusting of each other over time, while it is also an equilibrium for no agent to trust anybody else in society. We can then associate the trust and no-trust equilibria with different social norms.

Read the whole article.

Edge - The Local-Global Flip, or, "The Lanier Effect"

Interesting Edge Conversation with Jaron Lanier, recorded 8.29.11, with a "Reality Club" response from Douglas Rushkoff. Lanier is the author of is the author of You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto.

The Local-Global Flip, or, "The Lanier Effect"

A Conversation with Jaron Lanier [8.29.11]

"If you aspire to use computer network power to become a global force through shaping the world instead of acting as a local player in an unfathomably large environment, when you make that global flip, you can no longer play the game of advantaging the design of the world to yourself and expect it to be sustainable. The great difficulty of becoming powerful and getting close to a computer network is: Can people learn to forego the temptations, the heroin-like rewards of being able to reform the world to your own advantage in order to instead make something sustainable?"

by John Brockman

We used to think that information is power and that the personal computer enabled lives. But, according to Jaron Lanier, things changed about ten years ago. He cites Apple, Google, and Walmart as some of the reasons.

In a freewheeling hour-long conversation, Lanier touches on, and goes beyond the themes he launched in his influential 2006 Edge essay "Digital Maoism: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism." What he terms "The Local-Global Flip" might be better expressed as "The Lanier Effect". Here's a sampling:

... "The Apple idea is that instead of the personal computer model where people own their own information, and everybody can be a creator as well as a consumer, we're moving towards this iPad, iPhone model where it's not as adequate for media creation as the real media creation tools, and even though you can become a seller over the network, you have to pass through Apple's gate to accept what you do, and your chances of doing well are very small, and it's not a person to person thing, it's a business through a hub, through Apple to others, and it doesn't create a middle class, it creates a new kind of upper class. ... Google has done something that might even be more destructive of the middle class, which is they've said, "Well, since Moore's law makes computation really cheap, let's just give away the computation, but keep the data." And that's a disaster.

... If we enter into the kind of world that Google likes, the world that Google wants, it's a world where information is copied so much on the Internet that nobody knows where it came from anymore, so there can't be any rights of authorship. However, you need a big search engine to even figure out what it is or find it. They want a lot of chaos that they can have an ability to undo. ... when you have copying on a network, you throw out information because you lose the provenance, and then you need a search engine to figure it out again. That's part of why Google can exist. Ah, the perversity of it all just gets to me.

... What Wal-Mart recognized is that information is power, and by using network information, you could consolidate extraordinary power, and so have information about what could be made where, when, what could be moved where, when, who would buy what, when for how much? By coalescing all of that, and reducing the unknowns, they were able to globalize their point of view so they were no longer a local player, but they essentially became their own market, and that's what information can do. The use of networks can turn you from a local player in a larger system into your own global system.

... The reason this breaks is that there's a local-global flip that happens. When you start to use an information network to concentrate information and therefore power, you benefit from a first arrival effect, and from some other common network effects that make it very hard for other people to come and grab your position. And this gets a little detailed, but it was very hard for somebody else to copy Wal-Mart once Wal-Mart had gathered all the information, because once they have the whole world aligned by the information in their server, they created essentially an expense or a risk for anybody to jump out of that system. That was very hard. ... In a similar way, once you are a customer of Google's ad network, the moment that you stop bidding for your keyword, you're guaranteeing that your closest competitor will get it. It's no longer just, "Well, I don't know if I want this slot in the abstract, and who knows if a competitor or some entirely unrelated party will get it." Instead, you have to hold on to your ground because suddenly every decision becomes strategic for you, and immediately. It creates a new kind of glue, or a new kind of stickiness.

... It can become such a bizarre system. What you have now is a system in which the Internet user becomes the product that is being sold to others, and what the product is, is the ability to be manipulated. It's an anti-liberty system, and I know that the rhetoric around it is very contrary to that.

... Essentially what happened with finance is a larger scale, albeit more abstract version of what happened with Wal-Mart, where a global system was optimized by being able to build data that could be concentrated locally using a computer network. It tremendously enriched the people who ran the network. It seemed to create savings for people initially who were the end users, the leafs of the network, very much as Google, or Groupon, seem to save them money initially. But then in the long-term it took away more from the income prospects of people than it could offer them in savings, very much as Wal-Mart did. ... This is the pattern that we'll see repeated again and again as new applications of computer networks come up, unless we decide to monetize what people do with their hearts and brains. What we have to do to create liberty in the future is to monetize more and more instead of monetize less and less, and in particular we have to monetize more and more of what ordinary people do, unless we want to make them into wards of the state. That's the stark choice we have in the long-term.

...if you're adding to the network, do you expect anything back from it? And since we've been hypnotized in the last eleven or twelve years into thinking that we shouldn't expect anything for what we do with our hearts or our minds online, we think that our own contributions aren't worth money, very much like we think we shouldn't be paid for parenting, or we shouldn't be paid for raking our own yard. In those cases you are paid in a sense because there's still something that becomes part of you in your life, for all that you did. ... But in this case we have this idea that we put all this stuff out there and what we get back are intangible or abstract benefits of reputation, or ego-boosting. Since we're used to that bargain, we're impoverished compared to the world that could have been and should have been when the Internet was initially conceived. The world that would create a strengthened middle class through what people do, by monetizing more and more instead of less and less. It's possible that that world could have never come about, but that was never tested. If we are absolutely convinced that this third way is impossible, and that we have to choose between "The Matrix" or Marx, if those are our only two choices, it makes the future dismal, and so I hope that a third way is possible, and I'm certainly going to do everything possible to try to push it.

Read on. Or better yet, treat yourself to an interesting hour of watching the video and engaging with Lanier and his ideas.

JARON LANIER is a computer scientist, composer, and visual artist. He is the author of You Are Not A Gadget: A Manifesto.



A Conversation with Jaron Lanier [8.29.11]

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Dharma Quote: Rain might be falling for ten thousand years, yet if our cup is upside down it will remain empty.

by Tai Situ Rinpoche
trans. & ed. by Rosemarie Fuchs

Dharma Quote of the Week

It is very difficult to help somebody overcome his or her problems when the problems are unstructured, when in a certain way this person does not have any problems, though deep inside all the problems are there. It is very difficult for a human being whose problem is confused, whose ego is ill-defined and without foundation, to really purify, clarify, and develop anything.

The same principle applies to praying. As long as we have our self, our ego, we pray to the Buddha: "Please bless me so that my prayers for the benefit of all sentient beings be fulfilled." Otherwise our prayer does not follow any line or direction. It would be like going to a big five-star hotel with five hundred rooms and not knowing your room number, or taking an elevator without knowing which floor to go to--this would be a big problem.

This is the reason for calling upon the great compassion of the Buddha and asking him to consider our prayers. The reason is not that the Buddha only listens to someone who prays to him; rather, without praying to the Buddha we are not developed enough to have the condition necessary to receive his blessing. Rain might be falling for ten thousand years, yet if our cup is upside down it will remain empty. Through praying we open up, we turn our cup to let the water get inside. (p.48)

 --from The Third Karmapa's Mahamudra Prayer by the XII Khentin Tai Situpa Rinpoche, translated and edited by Rosemarie Fuchs, published by Snow Lion Publications
The Third Karmapa's Mahamudra Prayer • Now at 5O% off!
(Good until September 16th).

Oren Harman - The Price of Altruism

Interesting. Oren Harman is author of The Price of Altruism: George Price and the Search for the Origins of Kindness.

The Price of Altruism  

  Listen to the audio

(full recording including audience Q and A) 

Please right-click link and choose "Save Link As..." to download audio file onto your computer.

RSA Keynote 
6th Sep 2011

Survival of the fittest or survival of the nicest? 

Since the dawn of time man has contemplated the mystery of altruism, but it was Darwin who posed the question most starkly. From the selfless ant to the stinging bee to the man laying down his life for a stranger, evolution has yielded a goodness that in theory should never be.

Academic and author Oren Harman visits the RSA to tell the moving story of the eccentric American genius George Price, who strove to answer evolution's greatest riddle. Different and driven to succeed, Price was a gifted polymath with a Zelig-like ability to be part of much of the seminal science of the twentieth century. But it was tackling Darwin’s great mystery where he finally made his most dramatic discovery. 

Ultimately a homeless recluse, he had caught a glimpse of a deep and scary truth about humanity. From the heights of the Manhattan Project to the inspired, soul-shaking equation that explains altruism, to the depths of homelessness and despair, Price's life embodies the paradoxes of Darwin’s enigma. His tragic suicide in a squatter’s flat, among the vagabonds to whom he gave all his possessions, provides the ultimate contemplation on the possibility of genuine benevolence.

Chair: Matthew Taylor, chief executive, RSA

Twitter logoSuggested hashtag for Twitter users: #RSAaltruism

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Dr. Ron E. Dahl - Adolescent Brain Development

Nice lecture - what we understand about adolescent brains keels changing, so this is perhaps best seen as a place-marker in our evolving knowledge. Via UCtelevision.

Dr. Ron E. Dahl - Adolescent Brain Development
Adolescence is an exciting period of maturation that combines biological, behavioral and social changes, and brings with it an increased vulnerability in children. Families can use this window of opportunity to support their child's brain development, adjust the parent/child relationship and deepen family bonds. For some this may also include responding to behavioral and/or emotional changes in children. Dr. Ron E. Dahl, UC Berkeley Professor of Community Health and Human Development, describes how exciting advances in knowledge about adolescent brain development is providing unique insights to understanding the vulnerabilities that arise during adolescence. [9/2011]

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Gary Younge - Who Are We - And Should It Matter in the Twenty-First Century?

This is an episode of the Diane Rehm show from a week or so back - interesting discussion.

Gary Younge: "Who Are We - And Should It Matter in the Twenty-First Century?"

Hundreds of people can be seen in a reflection from a mirror on Ocean Drive, in this Jan. 16, 2005, file photo, in the South Beach section of Miami Beach, Fla.  - (AP Photo/Alan Diaz/FILE) Hundreds of people can be seen in a reflection from a mirror on Ocean Drive, in this Jan. 16, 2005, file photo, in the South Beach section of Miami Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz/FILE)
In this new century, identity is at the heart of the most pressing and often violent issues of the day. In the U. S. and abroad, people often retreat into the refuges of religion, nationality, class, and race. It can be seen in the wave of social unrest that spread across England. Or in Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi’s description of undocumented workers as an “army of evil.” And seventy percent of Oklahomans voted to ban the introduction of Sharia law, though only a small portion of residents are Muslim. One journalist urges us to search for common, higher ground. He warns that if we fail, our society may become more divided than ever before. Diane and her guest talk about why identity matters.

Gary Younge, columnist for the "Guardian" and "The Nation, and author of "Stranger in a Strange Land" and "No Place Like Ho

BBC - Clever New Caledonian crows can use three tools

Long-time readers know my love of crows and other corvids (Ravens, jays, magpies, etc). Scientists have been increasingly interested in the intelligence of these birds - rivaled only by a few species of parrots in the avian world, and more intelligent than dogs, horses, most primates, and small children.

These birds create their own tools - and, more impressively, they solve problems in their minds before implementing the solution. Few other animals can do that - as far as we currently know.

Clever New Caledonian crows can use three tools
By Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC News

Click to play
New Caledonian crows have given scientists yet another display of their tool-using prowess. 
Scientists from New Zealand's University of Auckland have found that the birds are able to use three tools in succession to reach some food. 
The crows, which use tools in the wild, have also shown other problem-solving behaviour, but this find suggests they are more innovative than was thought. 
The research is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 
The team headed to the South Pacific island of New Caledonia, the home of Corvus moneduloides.
 Finding that the crows could solve the problem... was incredibly surprising 
Alex Taylor
They are the only birds known to craft and use tools in the wild. 
The discovery that they whittle branches into hooks and tear leaves into barbed probes to extract food from hard-to-reach nooks astounded scientists, who had previously thought that ability to fashion tools was unique to primates. 
And further research in the laboratory and the field has revealed that New Caledonian crows are also innovative problem solvers, often rivalling primates. Experiments have shown that the birds can craft new tools out of unfamiliar materials, as well as use a number of tools in succession.
Read the whole article.

Comedians@Google: Eddie Izzard

Awesome - Eddie Izzard is one of my favorite comedians ever. He may be the first postmodern, self-referential, and multi-perspectival comedian.

Comedians@Google: Eddie Izzard
Eddie Izzard stops by Google for a conversation about his life, his influences, and comedy. The interview was conducted by Mark Day.

For the uninitiated, here is an old video of one of his shows - one of the classics that made him famous.

Eddie Izzard Dress To Kill (1999)

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Redirect Our Stories - Social Psychologist Timothy Wilson

Interesting - but I am in total agreement. For existential level dysfunctions this is certainly a very useful therapy, and one I employ. This is even a useful tool for sexual assault or molestation after the age of five or six. But for pre-verbal wounding, more commonly thought of as attachment failures, I suspect there is little that can be done with verbal approaches - these wounds to the self-system reside in the soma and the right hemisphere of the brain, largely inaccessible to verbal therapies.

Redirect with Timothy Wilson from the RSA
Professor Wilson reveals how many conventional psychological therapies and interventions, including most self-help books, can do us more harm than good. Presenting the very latest research, he shows that the key to transforming our lives lies simply in learning to redirect the stories we tell ourselves.

TEDxBrainport - Mark Post - Meet the new meat

Making meat in the laboratory sounds like a good idea to me, as long as we test it and make sure it does not contain any harmful mutations. Just think of all the suffering that could be eliminated in getting rid of factory farms, and all the land that could be repurposed.
TEDxBrainport - Mark Post - Meet the new meat

What do you think about laboratory-made meat? "Yuck" is likely your first reaction. Terms like 'Frankenburger' and 'Lab chops' might spring to mind. So why would we want to create artificial meat? Because breeding cows and pigs for their meat is inefficient. Only parts of the animal are consumed and meat consumption is outstripping supply.

Post explains that it is relatively simple to take stem cells from an animal and grow them to produce new muscle tissue. Simply add sugar, proteins and fat and get it into shape with a bit of exercise and you have created edible meat. The only problem then is to find a new role for our livestock... 

Penrose strikes back in war of the cosmos

From PhysicsWorld, Roger Penrose argues back against the critics of his "conformal cyclic cosmology" model that rejects the Big Bang in favor of a cyclical universe that basically recycles itself endlessly. You can read the whole 2-page refutation here.

Here is the abstract:

More on the low variance circles in CMB sky

Two groups [3,4] have confirmed the results of our paper concerning the actual existence of low variance circles in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky. They also point out that the effect does not contradict the LCDM model - a matter which is not in dispute. We point out two discrepancies between their treatment and ours, however, one technical, the other having to do with the very understanding of what constitutes a Gaussian random signal. Both groups simulate maps using the CMB power spectrum for LCDM, while we simulate a pure Gaussian sky plus the WMAP's noise, which points out the contradiction with a common statement [3] that "CMB signal is random noise of Gaussian nature". For as it was shown in [5], the random component is a minor one in the CMB signal, namely, about 0.2. Accordingly, the circles we saw are a real structure of the CMB sky and they are not of a random Gaussian nature. Although the structures studied certainly cannot contradict the power spectrum, which is well fitted by LCDM model, we particularly emphasize that the low variance circles occur in concentric families, and this key fact cannot be explained as a purely random effect. It is, however a clear prediction of conformal cyclic cosmology.
The following article summarizes the current debate and links to the two articles that argue against Penrose's interpretation of the evidence.
Penrose strikes back in war of the cosmos


Do these concentric circles offer a glimpse of before the Big Bang?

By James Dacey

Roger Penrose is defending his claim that our universe did not begin with the Big Bang but instead continually cycles through a series of lifetimes, or “aeons”. He makes his latest case in a paper submitted to the arXiv preprint server yesterday.

The recent excitement began in November when Penrose, a University of Oxford physicist, made the sensational claim that he had glimpsed a signal originating from before the Big Bang. Working with Vahe Gurzadyn of the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia, Penrose came to this conclusion after analysing maps from the Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). These maps reveal the cosmic microwave background, believed to have been created just 300,000 years after the Big Bang and offering clues to the conditions at that time.

After scrutinizing over seven years’ worth of WMAP data, as well as data from the BOOMERanG balloon experiment in Antarctica, Penrose and Gurzadyn say they have identified a series of concentric circles within the data. These circles show regions in the microwave sky in which the range of the radiation’s temperature is markedly smaller than elsewhere. According to the researchers, the patterns correspond to gravitational waves formed by the collision of black holes in the aeon that preceded our own, and they published these claims in a paper submitted to arXiv.

The paper was quickly picked up by and, in no time at all, the story was causing a big stir in the blogosphere. But not everybody agrees with Penrose’s outlandish claims and to date at least two other groups have published their own independent analyses of the same CMB data, and both have taken issue with the original conclusions. The first is a paper by Moss et al and the second is written by Wehus et al – both published on arXiv.

The disagreements are subtle – and I won’t pretend I fully understand them – but in essence both groups are saying that we should not be surprised by the circles, which can easily be explained by anisotropies in the CMB. The patterns, claims Wehus’ group, are fully consistent with the accepted inflationary model of cosmology: that the universe started from a point of infinite density, expanded extremely rapidly for about a second, and has continued to expand much more slowly ever since.

But not to just sit and sulk, Penrose and Gurzadyn have already hit back with a follow up paper, published yesterday on arXiv. In the short article, they agree that the presence of circles in the CMBdoes not contradict the standard model of cosmology. However, the existence of “concentric families” of circles, they argue, cannot be explained as a purely random effect given the pure Gaussian nature of their original analysis. “It is, however a clear prediction of conformal cyclic cosmology,” they write.

 The battle, it seems, is set to go on.