"We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact."
~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Image of the day (David Winston):

~ Compliance, habits and behaviors -- "You see, in my opinion, most people don't follow ANY dietary philosophy with any type of adherence. And until you can get compliance at any level -- you're wasting your time trying to facilitate change."
~ Canned tuna - the cornerstone of a quick meal -- "Years ago when I first met my wife I was doing a lot of weightlifting but always had trouble getting enough protein into my diet. One of the things that I learned from her was to eat canned tuna." Caution: limit tuna consumption to 3-5 cans a week to avoid excess mercury.
~ Low Blood Sugar Symptoms Require an Explanation -- "When blood sugar levels drop, you may feel anxious, shaky, sweaty, hungry, a tingling in your skin or your heart may beat rapidly. More severe symptoms include confusion, a sensation of warmth, weakness or fatigue, loss of memory and in its extreme, seizures and passing out. As you suffer repeat attacks of low blood sugar, they affect you less and your symptoms lessen."
~ Alcohol may prevent rheumatoid arthritis: study -- "More good news for drinkers -- imbibing regularly may halve your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to scientists."
~ Chefs don't count calories, so it's up to you -- "Americans are eating out more than ever, a trend that's worrying to obesity experts. Here are some science-based strategies for battling portion bloat."
~ Health Tip: Ward Off Jet Lag -- "Jet lag occurs when the body has trouble adjusting to travel across time zones. The American Academy of Family Physicians offers these recommendations to minimize symptoms."
~ Beyond Bread - The Essential High Fiber Diet -- "A high fiber diet contains foods that have a lot of fiber. Can it get any more basic than that? How about this one? Fiber has no calories. Are you getting the picture?"
~ Guided imagery therapy can help insomniacs -- "A technique called imagery rehearsal therapy not only helps chronic insomniacs get a good night's sleep, it also seems to help lessen depression and anxiety, according to research presented this week at SLEEP 2007 -- the 21st annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies."
~ Mood Disorder, or Mad Disorder? -- "Depression, Psychosis More Closely Linked than Some Realize."
~ "The Cognitive Brain" -- "... is a book by Arnold Trehub that is now available online, along with a few other papers by him."
~ The Two Face of Pride -- "Pride has perplexed philosophers and theologians for centuries, and it is an especially paradoxical emotion in American culture. We applaud rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal excellence, and indeed encourage these traits with gold stars and blue ribbons and statues. But don’t you dare let it go to your head. Too much pride can easily tip the balance toward vanity and haughtiness and self-love."
~ The Miracle and the Irony of Forgiving -- "Several months ago a man made an appointment to meet with me regarding some of his personal struggles. When the appointed time arrived I was more than a little curious about what was on his mind and how I could help. After sharing a heart rending story of his life experiences, he summed it up by saying that the biggest burden he carried was his inability to forgive those who had hurt him. What a heavy burden it was for him to carry."
~ Objects in the Home Reflect Your Relationship -- "When I walk into someone's home, almost without thinking I look around at the whole decor, but I'm particularly interested in prominently displayed objects. It gives me a sense of the person. Indeed studies have shown it is possible to draw some limited conclusions about personality from personal spaces like homes or offices (Gosling et al., 2002). What about couples though? Is it possible to tell anything about relationships from objects that are prominently displayed? Research by Lohmann, Arriaga and Goodfriend (2003) suggests it is."
~ The will to be happy? -- "Free will happens to be such a label for something that scientists can’t (yet) locate in the brain. Happiness itself is also such a word, nice that everybody uses it, but Neuroscientists can not yet determine its whereabouts."
~ 20 Ways to Get and Stay Happy -- "As experts gather for the International Conference on Happiness, TIME looks at proven ways to find more joy in life."
~ Raising America's children -- "Millions of grandparents are filling in for missing or misguided parents."
~ America on the Rack -- "Some commentators are now raising this question as well: Have the Bush administration's policies in the War on Terror undermined, if not destroyed, our ability to be a voice for freedom and human rights around the world?"
~ Clift: Will 2008 Be the Liberals' Year? -- "The country is ripe for a progressive presidential candidate--or so the progressives say. Let the battle of ideas, within the Democratic Party and without, begin."
~ New Life for Immigration Reform -- "The President's emphasis on border security has given his bill a second chance, but he's still a long way from victory."
~ Pace Says He Refused to Quit Voluntarily -- "Gen. Pace Discloses That He Refused to Voluntarily Retire As Joint Chiefs Chairman."
~ Spurs edge Cavs to complete finals sweep -- Did anyone even care?
~ More warnings about a U.S.-Iran war -- "A leading British journalist warns of the imminent dangers caused by what he calls 'the neoconservative ideologues who still run the Bush Administration.'"
~ Computer models suggest planetary and extrasolar planet atmospheres -- "The world is abuzz with the discovery of an extrasolar, Earth-like planet around the star Gliese 581 that is relatively close to our Earth at 20 light years away in the constellation Libra"
~ Turning Plants into Plastic—And Replacing Oil in the Process -- "A new process may allow plants to become the root of chemicals, plastics and fuels rather than oil."
~ Judge says farmed fish can't be counted -- "A federal judge in Spokane, Wash., has ruled that only wild fish can be counted in determining which species are endangered."
~ Exploring the Dark Matter of the Genome -- "Not so long ago, the difficult-to-sequence, highly repetitive, gene-poor DNA found in regions of chromosomes known as heterochromatin was called "junk." Like dark matter in the universe, the true nature of heterochromatin was unknown."
~ In nature, proteins sweep up nanoparticles -- "Here`s a pollution-control tip from nature: Deep inside a flooded mine in Wisconsin, scientists from several institutions including the U.S. Department of Energy`s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have discovered a world in which bacteria emit proteins that sweep up metal nanoparticles into immobile clumps. Their finding may lead to innovative ways to remediate subsurface metal toxins."
~ Environmentally Friendly New Jet Planned -- "The —easyJet ecoJet— would emit 50 percent less CO2 than today's newest short-haulers."
~ Strange Things Do Happen at Full Moon -- "Police actions during full moon reveals institutional lunacy."
~ The Mind Outside the Brain (Part 4) -- "To gain credibility, the mind outside the brain must also be mirrored inside the brain. If your brain didn't register what the mind is doing, there would be no way to detect the mind. Like a TV program being broadcast in the air, a receiver picks up the signal and makes it visible. The brain is a receiver for the mind field. The field itself is invisible, but as mirrored in our brains, it comes to life as images, sensations, and an infinite array of experiences."
~ Video Documentary - A history of G-D -- Tikkunger posts a 90-minute documentary based on Karen Armstrong's excellent book.
~ The Worldspace of Integral Zen -- "This week on Integral Spiritual Center...."
~ Is Ken right on Derrida? -- "I’m sure you all know what Ken thinks of Derrida. But is he accurate? And if not, why? Following are excerpts of an “integral” analysis of Derrida that is very different than Ken’s. I’d suggest that if Ken’s kosmic address is this far off on one of his contemporaries (only recently dead) then one really must question whether Ken’s naviagtion system has a true “global” positioning satelite."
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