"The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth."
~ H. L. Mencken
Image of the day:
~ Latest Health Breakthroughs that Could Save Your Life -- "Here's the full report on the latest medical breakthroughs."
~ Stresses and stressors -- "There has been a lot of talk recently about "overtraining" and "over-reaching". For the puropses of my wee blog I'm not going to get into definitions but let's define it as some form of additional work that results in a regression as opposed to progression."
~ A drink (or two) may cut kidney cancer risk -- "Having a drink or two per day appears to modestly decrease the risk of developing kidney cell cancer, new research findings suggest, regardless of the type of alcoholic drink that is consumed."
~ Tomatoes fail as prostate cancer preventive -- "A new study suggests that eating lycopene-rich tomatoes offers no protection against prostate cancer, contrary to the findings of some past studies. In fact, the researchers found an association between beta carotene, an antioxidant related to lycopene, and an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer."
~ Papillomavirus Vaccine Could Reduce Rate Of Vulval And Vaginal Cancers -- "Administration of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has proven effective in preventing high-grade vulval and vaginal lesions that can lead to cancers in those areas, conclude authors of a Article published in this week's edition of The Lancet."
~ Broccoli wards off cancer, except in England (AFP) -- "You can steam it, stir fry it, micro wave it or eat it raw, but for heaven's sake don't do what the English do, don't boil that broccoli to death."
~ De-Stress for Success -- "Are you digging for the doctor’s number more often lately? Aches and pains forcing you to miss workouts? If you suffer from nagging injuries it may be more than just a streak of bad luck holding you down; it may be your state of mind."
~ Feeling unfairly treated may make you ill -- "People who report a sense of being unfairly treated face a greater risk of suffering a heart attack and are in worse overall physical and mental health, researchers from the UK and Finland report."
~ How doctors think, but psychiatrists still a mystery -- "Dr Jerome Groopman has written a book on the psychology of medical decision making called How Doctors Think but interestingly, he specifically excludes psychiatrists, as he says their thought processes are too complicated to understand."
~ Fishing for a Good Mood -- "A diet high in omega-3s beats the blues."
~ Solve Tough Problems with a Brain Reboot -- "I'’ve spent a lot of time looking into different methods for solving problems and boosting my creativity. I’'ve come to the conclusion that meditation isn’’t just for the monks. You can use meditation for finding solutions to difficult problems, taking control of your emotions or rebooting your brain."
~ Lower Brain Serotonin Responsiveness In Childhood Predicts Antisocial Personality Disorder -- "Lower serotonin responsiveness in the brain during childhood predicts the development of antisocial personality disorder in early adulthood, according to a new study. Low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, have been associated with several disorders, including increased aggression and depression."
~ Mind Metaphors [Mixing Memory] -- "Some of you who are interested in the history of psychology or philosophy of mind might find this paper interesting."
~ Gonzales No Confidence Vote Sought -- "Two Senate Democrats said Thursday they will seek a no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales over accusations that he carried out President Bush's political agenda."
~ The GOP shouldn't silence Ron Paul -- "Some Republicans are angry at Ron Paul, the libertarian presidential candidate, for his forthright stance at the Republican debate earlier this week. When George W. Bush repeatedly asserts unpopular opinions in the face of withering criticism, it's seen as a sign of strength and resolve. But when Paul asserted unpopular opinions in a debate, his remarks became the grounds for derision and threats."
~ Immigration Reform: Still A Band-Aid -- "Viewpoint: The latest deal on immigration policy addresses some of the problems - but won't change much."
~ Drama at Landis Doping Hearing -- "It came courtesy of Landis' fellow American Tour de France champion Greg LeMond, who disclosed he had been sexually abused as a child and received a call Wednesday from Landis' manager who threatened to reveal the secret if LeMond showed up to testify."
~ SCOTT HORTON—The Assault on Comey Begins -- "We’ve seen the pattern–with Richard Clarke, Paul O’Neill and a dozen others. They come out and reveal some unpleasant truth about the inner workings of the Bush Administration. They have broken the most sacred law of the “Loyal Bushies,” the law of omertà. So out comes the hatchet. . . ."
~ But Who Was Right -- Rudy or Ron? -- "Ron Paul is no TV debater. But up on that stage in Columbia, he was speaking intolerable truths. Understandably, Republicans do not want him back, telling the country how the party blundered into this misbegotten war." This may be the first time in my life that I agree with Pat Buchanan.
~ Uruguay Children Try Low-Cost Laptops -- "Big smiles spread across the faces of the 160 pupils at a public elementary school in this rural South American hamlet: Each sat gawking at a brightly blinking laptop computer given them days earlier."
~ Combating Climate Change: Building Better, Wasting Less -- "Drafty buildings, inefficient appliances and mountains of waste will all need to be transformed to control global warming."
~ Google Keeps Close Eye on Open Source -- "Q&A: Chris DiBona, a programs manager for Google, talks about how the company uses open-source software and what it contributes to the open-source community."
~ The Surprising Truth Behind the Construction of the Great Pyramids -- "A strange phone call leads Michel Barsoum to cast doubt on leading theories."
~ Shipwreck Yields $500 Million in Coins -- "Divers recovered 17 tons of silver and gold coins from a 400-year-old wreck."
~ Americans Discover the Allure of Off-Grid Living -- "A growing number of Americans are shunning power lines, choosing to live "off the grid," without commercial power -- and still enjoying their computers and large-screen televisions."
~ Study Finds 25 Countries Block Web Sites -- "At least 25 countries around the world block Web sites for political, social or other reasons as governments seek to assert authority over a network meant to be borderless, according to a study out Friday."
~ Being Buddha, Being "a" Buddha -- "Another nice find, both in terms of a blog and particular blog content, comes in the form of BuddhaDharma Mum and specifically the post on The Supreme Identity which features a video of a talk by the late Brother Wayne Teasdale. The format is an interview with Ken Wilber."
~ Buddha and the World (Part 1) -- Deepak Chopra -- "Is violence an aspect of human nature that can be cured, or are we caught in an endless cycle of violence that will never end? One of the most optimistic answers to that dilemma came from Buddha more than two thousand years ago. In the light of what he taught, I wanted to post my thoughts about the Buddhist solution and what it means for you and me as we seek to live in a troubling world."
~ The Integral Christian -- "Integral Christian is a new blog founded by Joe Perez. The blog’s focus is on advocating and practicing an integrative Christian spirituality."
~ Integral Design -- "In The Oxford Handbook of Science and Religion (Oxford University Press, 2006), edited by Philip Clayton and Zachary Simpson, there's an integral chapter written by Sean Hargens and Ken Wilber, called "Toward a Comprehensive Integration of Science and Religion: A Post-Metaphyhsical Approach". The chapter concludes the methodological Part IV of the book, which contains contributions by Owen Flanagan, David Ray Griffin and others."
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