"You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing."
~ Michael Pritchard
Image of the day:
~ The Everlasting Bond -- "If you're at work, don't read this. We're serious. What'll happen if you do? The urge to train will be so great that you'll literally walk out of the office, run to the gym, and start doing squats while still wearing your suit."
~ Working out on the Road -- "Get our picks for the best hotels for fitness."
~ Health Benefits Of Whole Grains Confirmed By Study -- "A diet high in whole grain foods is associated with a significantly lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, according to an analysis conducted by researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine."Consuming an average of 2.5 servings of whole grains each day is associated with a 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to consuming only 0.2 servings," said Philip Mellen, M.D."
~ Fatty Acid Catabolism Higher Due To Polyphenol Intake -- "Polyphenols, dietary substances from vegetables, fruits and green tea, bring about a change in the energy metabolism. Dutch researcher Vincent de Boer has discovered that polyphenols increase the fatty acid breakdown in rats and influence the glucose use in fat cells."
~ Even limited exercise helps overweight women -- "Just 10 minutes of exercise a day can help even the most inactive overweight women, US researchers reported on Tuesday."
~ DIET: Thin People May Be Fat Inside -- "Thin People May Be Fat on the Inside, Doctors Warn; Exercise Key, Rather Than Dieting."
~ Music: Fine Tuning the Brain -- "How music lessons may strengthen verbal skills."
~ Why You Don't Go Out More -- "Brain scans of quiet thinkers and social butterflies."
~ Field Guide to the Loner: The Real Insiders -- "The introvert reaps secret joy from the solitary life." See also: Introverts: At Home in the World.
~ How the Mind Works: The video lectures -- "The Technology, Entertainment, Design conference has strayed from its original focus and now hosts a wide-ranging set of talks, including a number on 'How the Mind Works', all of which are available online as streamed video."
~ Active and Constructive Responding - With A Twist -- "Active and constructive responses are characterized by sincere enthusiasm for the good event being described, by being excited and happy for the other person and by showing genuine interest in the good event being described."
~ Study: Intuition, mood may affect belief -- "A U.S. study suggests people who are intuitive and in a good mood are prone to believe just about anything."
~ Self-Compassion May be More Important Than Self-Esteem in Dealing With Negative Events, New Studies Show -- "Why do some people roll with life`s punches, facing failures and problems with grace, while others dwell on calamities, criticize themselves and exaggerate problems?"
~ Rev. Jerry Falwell Dead at 73 -- "The Rev. Jerry Falwell died Tuesday after being found unconscious in his office Tuesday." See also: Fineman: Falwell's Place in the Political Landscape.
~ MSNBC Mistakes Online Parody for Official White House Web Site -- "Josh Marshall and Atrios have both called attention to MSNBC's reporting on Falwell's death, wherein the White House was quoted: "Jerry Falwell has earned his role as the de facto executive director of domestic and global policy for the White House." That particular quoted text, however, was posted not by the actual White House - the web address of which is whitehouse.gov - but at whitehouse.org, a well-known parody web site. Don at Article 19 has posted a rough transcript. update: Crooks and Liars has the video."
~ The Simpsons Hit 400 -- "Over eighteen seasons and three presidential eras, The Simpsons has paid badly animated homage to all that sucks in America. Simon Maxwell Apter measures their impact."
~ Could Roger Clemens be worth every penny? -- "Roger Clemens, the winningest pitcher alive and still an ace at an age when most ballplayers are selling cars, recently stood up in George Steinbrenner's box at Yankee Stadium, like Mussolini at the balcony, and told a cheering crowd that he was coming back to the Yankees. New York sports being New York sports, the muttering started a half-second after the cheering. Did the Yankees just buy another pennant? Or another Kevin Brown? Is Clemens really worth $18 million?"
~ Giuliani's Choice -- "Giuliani is betting his post-9/11 image and economic conservatism will be enough to win him the nomination in a party that has not nominated a pro-choice Republican since Gerald Ford in 1976. It doesn't help that Giuliani also embraces the gay rights political agenda and stronger gun control." See also: Rudy Tests the Pro-Lifers.
~ New invention to make parabolic trough solar collector systems more energy efficient -- "A mirror alignment measurement device, invented by Rich Diver, a researcher at Sandia National Laboratories, may soon make one of the most popular solar collector systems, parabolic troughs, more affordable and energy efficient."
~ Nanotechnology restores art masterpieces -- "Italian scientists are developing nanotechnologies to simply and less expensively restore paintings and other works of art."
~ A Two-Time Universe? Physicist Explores How Second Dimension of Time Could Unify Physics Laws -- "For a long time, Itzhak Bars has been studying time. More than a decade ago, the USC College physicist began pondering the role time plays in the basic laws of physics — the equations describing matter, gravity and the other forces of nature.:
~ Vast Regions of West Antarctica Melted in Recent Past -- "A team of NASA and university scientists has found clear evidence that extensive areas of snow melted in west Antarctica in January 2005 in response to warm temperatures. This was the first widespread Antarctic melting ever detected with NASA's QuikScat satellite and the most significant melt observed using satellites during the past three decades. Combined, the affected regions encompassed an area as big as California."
~ Strong Evidence of Dark Matter Found -- "The Hubble telescope has revealed a ghostly ring of apparent dark matter."
~ World's mayors gather for climate-change summit in New York City -- "Gone are the days when mayors chomped cigars and handed out keys to the city. Today's civic leaders face a somewhat more monumental task: saving the planet."
~ Disidentification -- "Any disidentification is only to a story, and it can happen in many ways… and as usual from the form and emptiness sides of the story."
~ John Mackey Gives an Integral Overview of Food -- "Steve Frazee loves John Mackey. Me too. Who wouldn't? Aside from being the kick ass CEO of Whole Foods (and having the foresight of investing in Zaadz :)), John Mackey is one of the most vocal and integrally-minded CEOs out there. And I don't use the word “integral” very lightly."
~ We are the next Buddha -- "Helen wrote in her blog “Why the next Buddha will be a collective.” I hope to show with this article where I am coming from in this regard so that in the time to come we can have beautiful dialogues, trialogues or any other -logues to help this meme propagate."
~ Three centers and Buddhas -- "I wrote another post on this a while ago, but wanted to revisit it (as with some many topics here) to see what comes up now. The three centers - heart, belly and head - each filter Spirit, Existence, life in different ways…"
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