Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Wednesday

It's “Willing To Lend-A-Hand Wednesday”:

Happy “Be Kind to Humankind Week”! Today we celebrate Willing-to-Lend-a-Hand-Wednesday! If you are blessed with good health, energy and hands in working condition… then reach out and help someone in need!!! Any small favor is appreciated! Plus you will feel a joy and satisfaction in having been made useful to someone! Help out a friend moving by going over and offering to pack up a few boxes, cook a pot of chicken soup for a sick neighbor, offer to pick up a couple of items from the grocery store for someone who can’t get out. Below is the link to this great day and those we have just celebrated. I encourage you to read on and act out in a kind manner towards others.


Willing To Lend-A-Hand Wednesday is a special day of effort on our part to help others. It does not have to be anything grand or large as far as the help part goes, although we would not discourage that, just the smallest help to someone is great!

Please visit our Willing To Lend-A-Hand Wednesday page to view some suggestions to make your day better also, download a positive news story.

View our previous days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

And here are their suggestions for how to celebrate the day:

Willing To Lend-A-Hand Wednesday is a special day of effort on our part to help others. It does not have to be anything grand or large as far as the help part goes, although we would not discourage that, just the smallest help to someone is great!

Here are some suggestions to make your Willing to Lend-A-Hand Wednesday better:

1. Take the initiative to go out and help a sick person you know with yard work, housekeeping etc. Don’t wait for them to ask you for the help, they usually won’t.

2. Offer to help a friend move, or at least pack for the move.

3. Take an elderly person out food shopping or to the doctor’s office if needed.

4. Offer to pick up groceries for a homebound person.

5. If you know a family that is going away for a vacation, offer to keep an eye on the house or feed and help out with their animals. If they offer you money-refuse it. These are things we wish to do just for the sake of helping out, not to make money.

6. If someone you know has their car in repair and needs a lift somewhere, offer them a ride. Especially if it is a co-worker who might live near you, and needs a ride to work.

7. Keep an eye and ear out for any community projects that ask for volunteer work. Even one day a month is very helpful to them!

8. If you attend a certain church, and you know of someone who does not have a ride to the service but would love to go - offer to take them.

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