"Why is it that our memory is good enough to retain the least triviality that happens to us, and yet not good enough to recollect how often we have told it to the same person?"
~ Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Image of the day:

~ Stretches that can help sciatica pain -- "According to an article from spine-health.com, most types of sciatica will benefit from a regular routine of hamstring exercise, especially hamstring stretching."
~ Hell on Wheels -- "'You're a worm — a gutless worm, with puny legs to boot.' And that's just Rob Fortney talkin' to his kids about their leg development! Imagine what he's going to say to you, you weak little douchebag." Aside from the bad lede, this is a good leg training article.
~ Hesfit 30 minute muscle routine -- "By altering load, rest periods, and movement selection, you can achieve the results you want in as little as 30 minutes per day. Fat loss, sure! Strength gains, you betcha! In this article, I’ll give you some ideas on packing on some lean muscle mass in 30 minutes or less."
~ Antioxidants Abound In Ripe Fruit -- "Fall, the season of colors: Leaves turn red, yellow, and brown. The disappearance of the color green and the simultaneous appearance of these other colors are also signs of ripening fruit. A team led by Bernhard Krautler at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) has now determined that the breakdown of chlorophyll in ripening apples and pears produces the same decomposition products as those in brightly colored leaves."
~ Key To Good Health May Be Concentrating On Food Not Nutrients -- "In a recent academic review, a University of Minnesota professor in the School of Public Health has concluded that food, as opposed to specific nutrients, may be key to having a healthy diet. This notion is contrary to popular practice in food industry and government, where marketers and regulators tend to focus on total fat, carbohydrate and protein and on specific vitamins and added supplements in food products, not the food items as a whole."
~ Research Links Diet To Cognitive Decline And Dementia -- "Research has shown convincing evidence that dietary patterns practiced during adulthood are important contributors to age-related cognitive decline and dementia risk. An article published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences highlights information on the benefits of diets high in fruit, vegetables, cereals and fish and low in saturated fats in reducing dementia risk."
~ Cause Of Insulin Resistance Discovered By UCSD Researchers -- "Researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have discovered that inflammation provoked by immune cells called macrophages leads to insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. Their discovery may pave the way to novel drug development to fight the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes associated with obesity, the most prevalent metabolic disease worldwide."
~ van Gogh & the history of manic depression -- "The introductory chapter of Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression, by Frederick K. Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison, provides an excellent description of how Emil Kraepelin first classified manic depression (or bipolar disorder) and related conditions in the late 19th century, and how his work has influenced the way in which psychiatrists treat these illnesses today."
~ When Love Can't Cure -- "Life with a borderline partner."
~ 5 Secrets to a Successful Long-Term Relationship or Marriage -- "There have been a thousand or more articles written about how to have a successful long-term relationship or marriage, but none that seem to capture some of the core ingredients I’ve found important in relationships. So here’s the straight dope, from my experience."
~ 7 Rules for a Life Worth Living -- "Are you writing the story of your life, or are you letting other people and circumstances write it for you? You might not consider yourself a follower, but here are a few signs you aren’t in control...."
~ Meditation for Beginners: 20 Practical Tips for Quieting the Mind -- "Although a great number of people try meditation at some point in their lives, a small percentage actually stick with it for the long-term. This is unfortunate, and a possible reason is that many beginners do not begin with a mindset needed to make the practice sustainable."
~ 7 Powerful Tips to Overcome Failure -- "Failure is inevitable if we are to succeed in life. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to overcome failure, and they are stopped by it when they encounter one. The ability to overcome failure is one big difference between successful and mediocre people."
~ 7 ways to catch your breath -- "When life leaves you gasping for air there are ways to catch your breath, but they seem impossibly distant at the time. When you are in the middle of trouble, just trying to survive, solutions seem out of reach. The best you can do is prepare yourself in advance by learning these 7 ways to catch your breath, before you need to use them."
~ Further evidence that genetics has a role in determining sexual orientation in men -- "Is sexual orientation something people are born with - like the colour of their skin and eyes - or a matter of choice?"
~ Review says abstinence-only ed fails teens -- "Programs that focus exclusively on abstinence have not been shown to affect teenager sexual behavior, although they are eligible for tens of millions of dollars in federal grants, according to a study released by a nonpartisan group that seeks to reduce teen pregnancies."
~ Portrait of a poet as eco warrior -- "The newly published letters of Ted Hughes make no mention of his political life. But nature for the former poet laureate was more than a source of poetry. Seeing his beloved rivers and moors dying pushed him into a second career - as a fearless environmental activist."
~ The Cultural Contradictions of Democracy: Political Thought Since September 11 -- " What counts as "political thought" in the six years since 9/11? John Brenkman addresses this question in The Cultural Contradictions of Democracy by turning to the political language used by the government, its opponents, philosophers and policymakers. He is interested in how the United States developed a rhetoric to legitimate its "war on terror," particularly its invasion of Iraq. Not surprisingly, he finds contradictions and incoherence almost everywhere."
~ Climate Consensus: Bravery or Blunder? -- "In early October, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama unveiled their campaign platforms on energy and the environment. John Edwards hasn't made an event out of his, but he has one, and so do the other Democratic candidates. All of them support some kind of legislation to curb climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions, but they might be doing so at their own peril, a recent headline suggests."
~ To Bomb or Not to Bomb? -- "A recent Zogby poll has lit up the blogosphere for several days now with its claim that a majority of Americans are on board for U.S. military action against Iran. Both sides of the aisle are lamenting or celebrating accordingly, but a closer look at the poll itself could save everyone the effort."
~ The difference between watching Obama and Clinton in Iowa -- "I knew what to expect Tuesday night at his event at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, and yet after it was over I was still impressed. He was funny and passionate, and he connected with his big audience. When he left the stage, the room was on its feet and chanting with him. Nothing like that happened during the two days I followed Hillary Clinton."
~ Pat Robertson Endorses Giuliani -- "Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, endorsed former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for the Republican nomination for president." Either Robertson is fully senile now, or Giuliani has sold out the rest of his moderate positions to the far right.
~ Saving Monkeys from Extinction -- "A recent census of the world's primate population finds that many of them are in danger of disappearing."
~ Crude oil stalls in march toward $100 -- "Oil prices stalled in their climb toward $100 a barrel Wednesday after a government report said oil inventories fell less than expected last week while refinery utilization remained flat." With oil at nearly $100 a barrel, you'd think it might be time to develop alternative energy sources.
~ Malaria Deaths Dropped To One Quarter Previous Level In Zanzibar, Tanzania -- "Research in Zanzibar, Tanzania has found a remarkable fall in the number of children dying from malaria. Within a three-year period (2002 to 2005), malaria deaths among the islands' children dropped to a quarter of the previous level and overall child deaths to half."
~ Wind Patterns Spur Fla. Red Tide Blooms -- "Harmful red tide blooms along Florida's west coast in the fall are spurred when seasonal changes in wind patterns move nutrients east from the Mississippi River, scientists reported Wednesday."
~ La Niña Persists -- "The tropical Pacific Ocean remains in the grips of a cool La Niña, as shown by new data of sea-level heights from mid-October of 2007, collected by the U.S-French Jason altimetric satellite." Which means a warm dry winter here in the desert.
~ Bill Clinton, Green Building Council Launch Effort To Green US Schools -- "Today at the world’s largest green building exposition in Chicago, Greenbuild 2007, former President Bill Clinton announced a joint commitment to green all of America’s schools within a generation."
~ Wolf Controversy Resurfaces -- "A few years ago, a 22-year-old student was killed in the wilds of Saskatchewan, and evidence suggested that wild wolves were the culprits. The incident was widely reported in the media, since there had never before been a documented case of death-by-wolves in North America. Last week, the coroner's inquest finally finished, and the wolves were found guilty. But some wildlife experts still have their doubts. Goat, the blog over at High Country News, has a good summary of the controversy."
~ Women, Men, and the Evolution of Culture -- Andrew Cohen -- "I just did the unthinkable: held a weekend retreat for women only." Uh, yeah, whatever . . . .
~ The power of gratitude -- "As I mentioned previously, this pilot light event had been associated with thinking about something I had heard in various forms and reflected on - that we don't have to "earn" the deathless, indestructible joyful peace of a Buddha. We always have permission to be truly unshakably happy deep down even if our conditions, including our thoughts and emotions, are responding negatively to the perception of an unfair or adverse situation."
~ A Glimpse of the Portal—Integral Content easier to navigate! -- "As we rapidly approach the completion of the new Integral Life web portal, we thought you would enjoy a few sneak peeks of the site. Welcome to the future of Integral Consciousness on the net!"
~ In partnership with Majeski Media, Stuart Davis is getting ready to Rock the (R)evolution! -- "Majeski Media paid an even $1,000,000 to Davis for the comprehensive rights, making Davis and Majeski partners in all endeavors past, present, and future. The powerful venture stands in stark contrast with general trends in the entertainment industries, which many feel have decreasing commitment to artist development, much less those with spiritual dimensions."
~ Neuro-Science & Photography??? -- "I have been struggling to find out if photography has the ability that music and meditation has on the brain (Neuroplasticity). When the human eye sees, it does not see life as a complete picture."
~ INTEGRALWORLD: 'If You Meet Wilber on the Road, Kill Him' -- ~C started a discussion at the Zaadz I-I pod that is, um, interesting.
1 comment:
Thank you for all the helpful resources. You should add the Dietary Supplement Information Bureau to your list as they are an authoritative source on this matter and way better than wikipedia!
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