
Friday, February 16, 2007

God, Inc - Episode 6

This is the final episode.

Episodes 1-3
Episode 4
Episode 5

Episode 6. A comedy about life in the corporate offices of God. What if all the problems on earth were not caused by a spiteful deity, or karma, or fate, but just office politics and the Peter Principle?

Episode 6 of 6: "Deus Ex Machina" Austin has a meeting with Piper.

Austin - Stephen Falk
Piper - Elizabeth Pan
Sarah - Rachel Oliva
Security Guard - Chuck Doble
Greg - Francis Stokes
Barbara - Julia Silverman
Owen - Jeff Sass
Gavin - Dayton Mesher
Tricia - Giselle Jones
Keaton - Chet Nelson
Lottie - Laura Wilder
Voiceover - Thomas Hargis

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