It's hard to give up things that aren't working in our lives. Or, I should say, it's hard for me to give up things that aren't working in my life. I started blogging in December of 2004 with no clear vision of what I wanted out of blogging except that I felt "called" to do it. Over the last year and half, one blog became three specialty blogs.
Raven's View was a good outlet for me at first. But over time, the more I gave it my energy and attention, the more it consumed my time and my life. Giving it up feels like giving up an addiction. I find myself with a hole in my life that was filled by that blog. However, for good or bad, I have some experience giving up addictions, so I'm sure I'll get through this period of withdrawal.
I'll have more energy now to devote to IOC, which feels like a good move. It feels important to give more energy to the areas in my life that nourish me and less to the areas that consume me. I have been so caught up in the flow of news cycles that I have forgotten what it is like to have free time to do whatever I want. I want to use that time in ways that will feed my soul.
So, today I am grateful for the strength to give up an unhealthy addiction. I am grateful for the self-awareness to see that Raven's View had become an addiction. I am grateful for the people who have been supportive of this decision.
AND, I will be grateful if regular readers might tell me what they'd like to see more of in this blog. Please leave your comments in this post, or use the email button in the sidebar.
So, what are you grateful for?
I think that obsession with politics is a thing many people go through. Only about a year ago, I became interested in politics for the first time in my life and have been avidly following debates on different issues since. It feels like a very necessary phase, a kind of social engagement which has wierdly bypassed me until now; but the time will definitely come, I'm sure, to put the brakes on and dedicate more attention to less maddening (and simply mad) antics.
As far as what I'd like to see more of here: Dude, this is a brilliant blog exactly as it is. I never know what I'll find when I click for my daily reading. I like that. Whatever impulse is guiding you is clearly spot-on, so I'd be scared to mess with it. Keep up the great work. That said, you often bring up rich topics that could bear with deeper exploration. For example, I like what you're doing with the Tarot series and your investigations into gratitude. You might allow us to follow the revising of a poem (as you take it through different forms). Or the development of your thoughts on a subject (e.g., integral relationships). Or an extended essay (and successive example of poems) of a poet particularly meaningful to you. Whatever floats your boat. I'll read it.
Kai in NYC
Thanks for the positive feedback on the site and for the suggestions.
Giving up politics is hard, especially once I've really gotten into it. I've always been politically alert and active -- and that won't change -- but feeling as though I was working to make change felt powerful. The realization that I really was just making myself nuts was tough to take.
But it feels good so far. We'll see how I am as the elections get near.
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