
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

David Richo - The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path

Based on his book, The Power of Coincidence: How Life Shows Us What We Need to Know, David Richo offered this four-part lecture on the power of coincidence on the spiritual path, based in Jung's concept of synchronicity (meaningful coincidence).

The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path
A series of unusual events or a combination of similar happenings may not be mere coincidence. Synchronicity is the meaningful coincidence or connection of events that can set the course of our life. They can guide us, warn us, and confirm us on our life's path. Drawing on Jung's concept of synchronicity-and combining insights from psychology and Buddhism, we explore how synchronicity, i.e., meaningful coincidences operate in our daily lives, in our intimate relationships, and in our creative endeavors.

We can discover a felt sense of what may be incubating in the depths of ourselves, the same depths as in the universe. This practice reveals the crucial significance of timing and how to honor it. We thereby activate timeless inner oracular wisdom that speaks to our condition. Then awkward jolts can become graceful transitions, stops can become steps. We face our destiny rather than fall into fate.

Based on Dave's book The Power of Coincidence.

Here is some information on Richo and the four podcast episodes.
David Richo

David Richo, Ph.D., M.F.T., is a psychotherapist, teacher, workshop leader, and writer who works in Santa Barbara and San Francisco California. He combines Jungian, transpersonal, and mythic perspectives in his work.

Here are examples of where I present classes/workshops:

In the bay area, I usually teach daylong classes at:
Spirit Rock Retreat Center in Marin:
UC Berkeley Extension in San Francisco: 510-642-4111
San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville:
At Esalen in Big Sur:

In Santa Barbara I teach classes at:
City College Adult Education:
One ongoing class in spring and summer is: Reading and Writing Poetry for Personal Growth, Fridays 10-12. All these classes are free.

David Richo's Website


The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path, Part 1 of 4, 59:29

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Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path, Part 2 of 4, 54:38

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The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path, Part 3 of 4, 45:29

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The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path, Part 4 of 4, 34:58

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