
Monday, October 29, 2012

Self-Worth Theory: The Vital, Throbbing Center of Achievement Motivation

Dr. Martin V. Covington from the Department of Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, delivered this talk that sort of sums up his career in developing self-worth theory and how that relates to motivation in education.

Covington is the author of Making the Grade: A Self-Worth Perspective on Motivation and School Reform and The Will to Learn: A Guide for Motivating Young People.

This 31-page paper, Goal Theory, Motivation, and School Achievement: An Integrative Review, from the Annual Review of Psychology (2000; 51:171–200), offers a much more in-depth look at his work.

Self-Worth Theory: The Vital, Throbbing Center of Achievement Motivation

Professor Covington will share highlights of his teaching and research career by addressing the question: If we rearranged the educational experience of learners around positive motivational principles, that is, promoting the will to learn and a love of learning, what would school look like?

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