The title got me to thinking, and I am not sure any of the articles address this, that the problem with the New Atheists and the recent increase in atheist presence in the media, is that atheism has become evangelical (the etymological roots go back to the Greek word for "gospel" or "good news": ευαγγελιον (evangelion), from eu- "good" and angelion "message"), and their gospel is the "good news" that there is no God and no need for religion, which they consistently blame as the source of most if not all warfare (partially true).
I understand their impulse, but I also know that faith and the need for belief in a transcendent organizing principle is built-in to several developmental worldviews. Nearly all human beings pass through these worldviews in their development, so there is no way to eradicate them.
Rather than trying to convince people that their beliefs are wrong or that their faith is misplaced, we should be supporting and nurturing healthy versions of religion. But I do not believe the most vocal atheists will ever understand that principle.

- Stephen LeDrew (York): The Evolution of Atheism: Scientific and Humanistic Approaches.
- There is a pervasive and somewhat lopsided tendency in our society to separate fellow humans into the categories of being either "believers" or "nonbelievers".
- Akeel Bilgrami on secularism: Its content and context.
- From The Humanist, Greta Christina on how confrontationalism can open doors; and building bridges or blowing them up?
- Rob Boston on secular Americans and the future of humanist activism.
- A review of How To Be Secular: A Call to Arms for Religious Freedom by Jacques Berlinerblau. Francis Spufford on the trouble with atheists.
- If knowledge is power, then what is ignorance?
- Let me introduce you to Atheism+, the nascent movement that might be the most exciting thing to hit the world of unbelief (and more).
- From Bible-Belt pastor to atheist leader: The new heroes within the secular movement are coming from unlikely places — like the pulpit.
- Ray Nothstine on how, as secularism advances, political messianism draws more believers.
- Why is a secular magazine interested in what believers think?
- An interview with Christof Koch on reconciling atheism and meaning in the universe.
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