
Sunday, August 05, 2012

Sesshin: Mountains and Waters Sutra Series: All 6 Parts

This sesshin series from Upaya Zen Center focuses on one of Dogen’s most famous fascicles, The Mountains and Rivers Sutra, a work filled with ecological perspectives offering powerful implications both for Zen practice and engagement with the world.

There are six podcasts in this series that have been posted at Upaya (links below).

Irene Kaigetsu Bakker & Kaz Tanahashi: 07-20-2012: Sesshin: Mountains and Waters Sutra (Part 1)

Speakers: Irene Kaigetsu Bakker & Kaz Tanahashi
Recorded: Friday Jul 20, 2012

Series Description: Sesshin, meaning to gather the heart/mind, is an intensive meditation retreat, done with others that deepens our relationship to our mind and to the world. In sesshin, the mind/body calms and settles, and the mind becomes clear and open. We experience the deep stillness that lies within each of us and the tremendous strength of a community (sangha) practicing together.

In this sesshin we will focus on one of Dogen’s most famous fascicles, The Mountains and Rivers Sutra, a piece which contains ecological sensibilities that have powerful implications both for Zen practice and action in the world.

Teacher Biographies:

Irene Kaigetsu Kyojo Bakker is a certified zen teacher from the Netherlands, a Zen priest and Dharma successor of Joan Jiko Halifax Roshi. She has been a student of Zen in the White Plum Sangha tradition since the mid-80s.

Irene Sensei first met Roshi Joan Halifax in Auschwitz in 1996 and they had a strong connection. Irene Sensei then became involved in Upaya’s Zen training and Being with Dying training. In 2004, Roshi Joan asked her to continue her training on death and dying in Europe. Every summer, Sensei assisted teaching at Upaya Zen Center.

In Holland Sensei serves as teacher for Zen Spirit, which she founded in 2004. As family and systems therapist, she works with people with cancer, end of life care, in psychiatry, and private therapy practice. As a mindfulness trainer she teaches future MBSR trainers at the College / School for Social Work in Utrecht, Netherlands.

When receiving Denkai and Denbo in March 2012, Roshi Joan gave her the name Kaigetsu (Ocean Moon) in addition to Kyojo (Jeweled Mirror Samadhi), her Dharma name since Jukai in 1989.

Kazuaki Tanahashi was born and trained in Japan and has been active in the United States since 1977. He has had solo exhibitions of his calligraphic paintings internationally, has taught East Asian calligraphy at eight international conferences of calligraphy and lettering arts, and is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science. He has also been a peace and environmental worker for decades.

You can access the desired part of the series by clicking on its link below:

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