Another interesting collection of links for
Bookforum's Omnivore - this one looks at criticism and critical theory, including philosophy.
- A new issue of Parrhesia is out, including a review of Zizek and Politics: A Critical Introduction by Matthew Sharpe and Geoff Boucher.
- Kubilay Akman (Bingol): Surrogating Bodies, Embodiment of Theories.
- Helena Dahlberg investigates human corporeity in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy.
- From Left Curve, Richard Gilman-Opalsky (Illinois): Upheaval as Philosophy: Eleven Theses on Guy Debord.
- From Reconstruction, a special issue on multilingual realities in translation.
- From Political Theology, a review of Democracy in What State? by Giorgio Agamben.
- From Antipode, Jennifer Fluri (Dartmouth): Capitalizing on Bare Life: Sovereignty, Exception, and Gender Politics; and Zizek on WikiLeaks: S. M. Reid-Henry on two figures and a point of critique.
- From New Left Review, beyond existing arguments about equality, might the praxes of permanent and passive revolution offer a way to conceptualize a more expansionary levelling?
- A review of Wittgenstein's Antiphilosophy by Alain Badiou.
- From New Formulations (reg. req.), decoding diaspora and disjuncture: Arjun Appadurai in dialogue with David Morley.
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