
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

C-SPAN In-Depth with Chris Hedges

Truthout columnist Chris Hedges went In-Depth this weekend on C-SPAN. Over three hours, they got into almost every part of his writing career. For me, Hedges can sometimes be a little too strident, but he generally is on the right track with his analyses.

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C-SPAN In-Depth with Chris Hedges
Washington, DC
Sunday, January 1, 2012

On Book TV’s In Depth, author and journalist, Chris Hedges. The Pulitzer Prize winning foreign correspondent spends three hours taking viewers’ calls, emails and tweets on topics such as terrorism, religion and politics.

The National Book Critics Circle Award nominee has a Masters degree in Divinity and is the author of nine books. His works include, “War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning,” “Empire of Illusion,” and his latest release “The World As It Is.”

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