
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Zoran Josipovic, Ph.D. - A Time for Caution? Immanence, Transcendence & Nonduality

Another session from the Science and Nonduality Conference hosted by Joran Josipovic, Ph.D. (NYU) is Director/Principal Investigator: Contemplative Science Lab, Founding Director: Nonduality Institute, with research interests in meditation, consciousness, and nonduality.
I am interested in states of consciousness cultivated through contemplative practice, what these states can tell us about the nature of consciousness and its relation to authentic subjectivity, and what relevance this may have for understanding the global and local organization in the brain. I use fMRI and a variety of visual and other stimuli to explore functional connectivity changes in the brain’s networks. 
BBC Interview with Josipovic: Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study

A Time for Caution? Immanence, Transcendence & Nonduality

A Time for Caution? Immanence, Transcendence & Nonduality 
from Science and Nonduality on

This talk will explore different views on nonduality, paths to to it and their stages, and the ways we are becoming accustomed to talking about them. This will provide a background to look at the ways we draw inferences from them about the nature of reality and the space-time continuum.

Zoran Josipovic, Ph.D. is a research scientist and an adjunct professor at and Psychology Dept. and Center for Neural Science, New York University. His main interests are the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain, global versus local theories of consciousness, and the functioning of anti-correlated neural networks. Zoran is a long-term practitioner of meditation in the nondual traditions of Dzogchen, Mahamudra and Advaita Vedanta. He has also worked as a psychotherapist and a bodyworker and has taught meditation at Esalen Institute for many years.

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