
Monday, October 10, 2011

Authors@Google: Kamal Sarma - Mental Resilience

I found this while researching for a workshop I'll be teaching next month on compassion fatigue and resilience for trauma therapists - it's another cool Authors@Google talk. Kamal Sarma's 2008 book is Mental Resilience: The Power of Clarity: How to Develop the Focus of a Warrior and the Peace of a Monk (Includes practice CD).

Authors@Google: Kamal Sarma - Mental Resilience

Kamal Sarma visits Google's New York, NY office to discuss his book "Mental Resilience: The Power of Clarity." This event took place on September 28, 2011 as part of the Authors@Google series.

Management consultant and former monk Sarma aims to help readers reduce stress, gain focus, and maintain clarity. Calling his approach to meditation "mental resilience training," he discusses everything related to its theory, practice, and application as well as provides step-by-step instructions for correctly executing postures, attaining deep calm, and acquiring insight. Sarma's presentation of meditation will appeal both to businesspeople (to whom he's been teaching these techniques for ten-odd years) as well as to those who would like to engage in the practice without the mysticism component.

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