
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

TEDxBrainport - Mark Post - Meet the new meat

Making meat in the laboratory sounds like a good idea to me, as long as we test it and make sure it does not contain any harmful mutations. Just think of all the suffering that could be eliminated in getting rid of factory farms, and all the land that could be repurposed.
TEDxBrainport - Mark Post - Meet the new meat

What do you think about laboratory-made meat? "Yuck" is likely your first reaction. Terms like 'Frankenburger' and 'Lab chops' might spring to mind. So why would we want to create artificial meat? Because breeding cows and pigs for their meat is inefficient. Only parts of the animal are consumed and meat consumption is outstripping supply.

Post explains that it is relatively simple to take stem cells from an animal and grow them to produce new muscle tissue. Simply add sugar, proteins and fat and get it into shape with a bit of exercise and you have created edible meat. The only problem then is to find a new role for our livestock... 

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