
Monday, September 19, 2011

Shrink Rap Radio #279 – Grief, Ritual, and The Soul of the World with Francis Weller

Francis Weller practices something he calls Soul Psychology - sounds like spiritually based therapy, sort of, but he seems to also be skirting the realm of "parts work" and subpersonalities (which some local native healers see as another form of Soul Retrieval). He is the author of Entering The Healing Ground: Grief, Ritual and The Soul of the World.

Shrink Rap Radio #279 – Grief, Ritual, and The Soul of The World with Francis Weller, M.A.

Francis Weller, M.A., MFT is a psychotherapist and author of the 2011 book, Entering The Healing Ground: Grief, Ritual and The Soul of the World. He has been in private practice since 1983. During that time, he developed a style of working with people called Soul-Centered Psychotherapy. Weller says his approach to working with the wounds and challenges we face restores soul as the primary focus. He says he has come to have a deep faith in the way soul/psyche works, its moods and movements, how it speaks through symptoms and images, how it longs for intimacy with the world and its need for beauty. I see this every day in my work with people.

Weller says, we often struggle with the muscular demands of our culture to measure up, perform and be perfect. This leaves little room for those parts of us that do not match these expectations; the vulnerable, weak, inadequate and grieving parts of soul. And yet, it is precisely these parts of who we are that bring us closer to others, to the vitality of life and the world. Bringing these rejected and denied elements of soul-life, “those places where I said no to my life,” back into our daily rhythms is what adds meaning and depth to our days.

Francis weller reports he has worked with many concerns in his practice. He specializes in grief work, shame, addiction, depression, and men’s issues. He works with individuals and couples and he offers groups periodically.
A psychology podcast by David Van Nuys, Ph.D.

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