
Sunday, August 21, 2011

TEDxGallatin - Amanda D'Annucci - Storytelling, Psychology and Neuroscience

Cool TED Talk - much of what she discusses here explains the power and effectiveness of narrative therapy in helping to rewire brains and beliefs.

Here is the description of the talk:

Storytelling, Psychology and Neuroscience

Amanda D'Annucci is pursuing her Master's degree in the Psychology of Expression at NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study. She graduated from the Macaulay Honors College at Hunter College in 2009 with a B.A. in Urban Studies. She has served as an Intern at the Office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, a Public Service Scholar at the Office of the Mayor in NYC, and a Summer Intern with the Ford Foundation. Amanda is currently working with Narativ, Inc, a consultancy specializing in effective communication through storytelling. Amanda is also a trainer with Story-to-College and a Peace Mover with Dance4Peace.

Storytelling is a vital yet oft under-appreciated tool for effective conflict resolution. "Stories communicate values, beliefs, hopes, fears, and dreams of a people in a way that engenders respect and understanding in the listener" (Duryea, Potts. 1993 p. 388). The art of storytelling has a psychological and neurological basis that explains our natural human predilection for narrative. Through two case studies -- one involving Israeli and Palestinian students, the other involving the Sierra Leonean civil wars -- this talk will explore personal narratives and collective myth to inspire a pure and inspiring approach to conflict resolution.

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