
Friday, February 18, 2011

Glenn Mullin: Regard all beings with an equal compassion

by Glenn Mullin
foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama


Dharma Quote of the Week

If one could attain the state of perfect buddhahood that is free from all faults, that sees directly all aspects of the qualities to be cultivated and faults overcome in the quest for enlightenment, and that is physically adorned with the marks and signs of perfection, the mere perception of which is beneficial, then one would be beyond the distinction of feeling attraction or aversion toward the infinite sentient beings. One would regard all beings with an equal compassion, and would have the ability to really benefit them. Think, "I should make every effort to attain this all-beneficial state."

In brief, the motivation should be, "For the ultimate benefit of the sentient beings, who are as infinite as the sky is vast, I must attain the state of a peerless, perfect, pure buddha." This is the aspirational aspect of the bodhimind.

--from The Practice of Kalachakra by Glenn Mullin, foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama, published by Snow Lion Publications

The Practice of Kalachakra • Now at 5O% off
(Good through February 25th).

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